Chapter Three

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"Here, take a bit extra, I know they're your favorite."

You smiled sweetly at the elderly woman who beamed at you as you gave her some extra food on her plate a few days after the library fire in Queens. She nodded her thanks, not one for many words, and she moved down the line to get the rest of what she came for as you served the next person.

It was a Friday evening, one of the busiest days at the shelter, and you had a great day of just relaxing, feeling completely recharged since you haven't healed anyone since the day before. The sun was bright in the sky, not a cloud to be seen outside, and at the end of your shift, you were meeting Valerie, Anthony, and Cory at a bar to start the weekend off right.

Little did you know, your weekend was about to get a whole lot more interesting.

"Did you see this?" Paige came up to your station, pulling you away, and someone immediately jumped into your place, helping the next person in line while she brought you off to the side of the room where less people could overhear.

"See what?" You asked, completely lost, and she practically shoved her phone at you.

She tapped her foot impatiently, crossing her arms, and trying not to get too angry while others were around. You had shot her a look of confusion before your eyes adjusted to what the screen was showing you.

"Shit," You muttered as you read the headline for the New York Times and then peered up at her, "Are my eyes really seeing what my brain is telling my eyes that they're seeing?"

"You need to take this seriously," She yanked her phone away, pocketing it hastily, "They have your photo and it's only a matter of time before they get your name and then your-"

"Whoa, Paige, slow down!" You chuckled, shaking your head, "That's just some article about a 'miracle worker' on the sight of some fire that people are already moving on from since they started repairs," You shrugged, "They must have stories like that left and right."

"Except, apparently, you gave your name to one of the victims," She told you pointedly and you went to deny it before realization dawned on you, "Some little boy named-"

"DJ," You finished for her with a cringe and then cursed yourself for being so careless before shaking it off, "They don't have a last name and even if they did, nobody can prove anything, it's not like they got it on film or something, right?"

Oh, how wrong you were.

But that's for later.

"Yeah, maybe it'll blow over," She nodded, taking a deep breath, and trying to convince herself as she looked around, taking in your logic, "Just try to lay low for a bit okay?"

"Ride out the storm," You agreed with a smirk and she rolled her eyes at the movie quote, but smiled when you added, "Should I get back to work, boss?"

"Funny how the roles have switched between us." She told you suggestively in a low tone and you made a face that told her you were impressed before scoffing playfully as she walked by you.

Couple years back, the two of you dated for about three months before calling it quits, eventually becoming friends. It was a mix of commitment issues, daddy issues, and transparency issues. The nail in the coffin was when you came clean about your 'gift' and she took it as you lying to her, just trying to push her away, but when you proved it to her, she then flipped it, accusing you of lying to her for the entirety of the relationship. You had a feeling she just wanted out since you didn't reciprocate it when she told you she loved you days before, but you didn't blame her for that, and you realized she just wasn't a good match for you anyway.

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