Chapter Thirteen

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Where were we?

Oh, yeah.

"Steven Grant Rogers," You teased, and he cocked an eyebrow, wondering what you were up to, "What a noble name."

"You said Doctor Strange gave you that deal, but he-"

"I gave him something for it, it's not like he's going around giving out soul contracts to any grieving person."

You had two sides to you, as most people do, and right now, being in a room alone with Captain do-gooder, you weren't one to play nice. You didn't like him, you've made that perfectly clear on multiple occasions, and he gathered that the second you refused to shake his hand upon meeting each other officially.

"What did you give him?"

"He said it could change everything, but in his visions or whatever, there was no future where I gave it to him," You spun in the wheeled chair, remembering back as you made yourself dizzy, "So, against all odds, I said screw it and gave it to him for what I wanted enough."

"What was it?"

"I don't think I was supposed to have found it, but then again, what kind of crazy person doesn't jump out of a plane that's going to crash?" You smirked teasingly, watching the floor as it spun, "Maybe we're both insane."

"Can you focus?" He pleaded, sounding exasperated.

"I'm boreddd." You whined.

"What did you give him?" He asked again with a deep sigh, running a hand down his face, and trying to pull himself together since this is the closest he's gotten to real answers since you got here almost three hours ago, "Was it an old book?"

"Nope," You popped the 'p', loving how you could frustrate the captain until he was practically pulling out his hair, "So, were you only gay for your best friend?"


"Is that why he came back all angry?" You continued, ignoring him, "Because he found you shacking up with the billionaire? What happened to the founder of SHIELD?" You whistled lowly, "For a virgin, you're very pop-"

"I'm begging you to stop."

"So, you like to beg." You teased suggestively and he groaned loudly.

"What's it gonna take for you to tell us?"

"Hmm," You considered it more seriously and then you couldn't help but to think of something that's been on your mind a lot lately, "Make the senator or whoever take out those anti-homeless bars from the benches around the city, you know the ones – it makes it so they can't sleep on them."

"What?" He scrunched his eyebrows, giving you a look of confusion, "That's what you want?"

"As soon as he orders the removal," You made a show of putting your feet up on the table, crossing your ankles, "I'll tell you anything you want to know."

He only hesitated for a minute before he left you in that room to probably make a call and you knew it'd be worth it for him because of what you had given the witch – or as you recently discovered, doctor. Witch doctor? You'd have to remember to catch the movie.

The witch doctor, as you're now calling him, was actually a nice person for the most part, and even though he was all business up front, you could tell by his hair that he knew how to party.

Less than ten minutes after the captain left, Natasha came into the room to check up on you.

"Hey, Y/n." She greeted you lowly, but you just sat up straighter, taking your feet off the table, and smiling up at her.


"I'm sorry about all of this," She didn't seem to notice that it wasn't bothering you or maybe she knew that was just you putting a guard up, "But Strange is someone we all know and I want to get you out of your deal."

"I think it's pretty binding," You told her honestly, deep down afraid you'd lose your powers if she did, and then shrugged, "But I don't mind being here."

She gave you a look, knowing you were lying, and you rolled your eyes, sighing in defeat.

"Fine, it feels like bugs are crawling all over my skin," You took a deep breath, wondering why you were still nauseous from the spinning, "And I miss Ollie, I kind of want to take a nap and maybe get some ice cream with Cory and Val," You perked up at the thought, peering up at her again, "You could come too if you wanted."

She furrowed her eyebrows, frowning, as she made her way closer to you, and you didn't flinch when she put the back of her hand to your forehead.

"You're hot."

"Back at ya." You smirked, winking, and she shook her head, trying not to smile.

"I'm going to call Bruce." She told you, pulling her phone out, and you groaned loudly, letting your head drop forward into your arms on the table.

"Isn't that your ex?" You groaned again when she didn't answer and then added, "Why not just stab me in the heart right now? It'd hurt less than being forced to witness the tension."

"We went out once..." She whispered, covering the receiver as she waited for him to pick up, "And there was nothing between us, I told you, that's when I realized I was a – Banner, I need a medic to the interrogation floor."

"This is the...?" You raised your head, glancing around, and wondering out loud, "Am I being interrogated? By fucking SHIELD? Oh, what a nightmare."

She rubbed her hand over your back soothingly as she talked to the doctor on the phone, deciding just to take you up there instead because they'd probably be a while, and you groaned again at the thought of moving.

"Too tired," You yawned out, waving her away, "Just bring Steve back and I'll tell him the color of the stone or whatever."

"What stone?" She asked in confusion, helping you to your feet.

"One of those funky little stones that the witch doctor just had to have," You rolled your eyes and then turned to her with lidded eyes, whispering flirtatiously, "I have another one if you want it."

"I got a hold of Doctor Strange," Steve started the moment she almost crashed into him when she got out of the room with your arm around her shoulders, leaning on her for support, "It's the-"

"Infinity stone," She finished for him, still leading you down to the elevator, "She had two of them this whole time and-"

"Hey, shhhh," You pressed your finger to her lips, "Don't tell him or he won't help the homeless."

"Steve, a little help?" She asked him when you went practically boneless, and he ran over to carry you for her.

"Noooo," You whined loudly, slapping at his chest, "I like her, not youuu."

"What's wrong with her?" Steve asked after piling onto the elevator and you yawned again, giving up, and curling into his hold like a kitten.

"Not sure, but – hey," She pointed an accusatory finger up at the super soldier when you closed your eyes and he seemed to be fonding over how you looked so small in his arms, "Eyes up ahead, don't look at her like that."

"Like what?" He asked, defensively, and she shot daggers at him with her narrowed eyes, "Fine, sorry."

They started talking about the infinity stones again when the elevator opened onto the correct floor, but by then you had drifted off to sleep.

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