Chapter Nineteen

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Just as she scraped the tip of her overgrown, dirtied fingernail down your cheek, the sting of the cut making you wince, you broke out of the binding and whipped your hand around to slice the edge of the credit card clear across her face.

"AH!" She screamed, no doubt alerting the others, and fell back, clutching at her face.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." You muttered to yourself in a panic, trying to open the one window in the room, but it wouldn't budge.

You spun around to face them as they barreled into the room, taking in the scene, and then one of shot your leg without hesitation to stop you, taking you down with a cry of agony. You collapsed to the floor and clutched the through and through wound, squeezing your eyes shut as the pain threatened to make you black out.

"Tie her back up!" One commanded the other, but it sounded echoey, and then you peeled your eyes open just as she lowered her hand from the huge cut you made across her eye, bridge of her nose, and down the other cheek.

Your eyes widened for a second before squeezing shut again when they lifted you roughly because you saw the green, sizzling ooze that came from her face when it should've been blood, and then it was gone, sealed up like how it happens when you heal someone.

"Shit!" You yelled when they shoved you back on the chair, pain shooting up and down your body, yanking your arms behind you again, and throwing the broken, green ooze-stained credit card across the room where it hit the wall before landing on the floor.

Your chest was rising and falling rapidly as you took heavy breaths, trying to relax, but you groaned loudly in pain as more blood dripped down into the growing puddle on the ground.

"Here," The one ripped his flannel off, leaving him in a tee shirt, and throwing it to the other one, "Stop the bleeding."

"Why?" The other one asked incredulously, confused as to why any of them would care if you bled out or not.

"Because she might be Jesus or something, Henry!" He shouted and then gestured to you as your eyes lidded over, "Just patch up the damn wound and stop asking stupid questions."

Before they could even place a hand on you, you touched your back with just your thumb, and the wound cleared up, but it made you drain a lot of your energy in the process.

"She..." Henry trailed off, looking to the one who offered the flannel, "Danny, she fucking did it! We picked up the right person!"

You blinked slowly, raising your eyebrows as you looked at them, and all three seemed to be relieved, but the little girl was just glaring at you.

"You really just..." You shook your head, chuckling in disbelief, and then spitting out some blood, "You guys are such assholes and I hope I'm the one who ends your lives."

You said the last part while giving them all a sickening grin, your teeth still bloodied from when they were hurting you before, but now your wounds were patched up.

"She's lying," The little girl hummed, and your attention snapped to her, as did theirs, "She could never hurt a fly."

"Maybe I start with you." You told her seriously, pulling on the bindings for good measure as you attempted to lunge forward, and she giggled.

"How could you hurt your mama?" She asked back in a sickly-sweet voice and you cringed.

"You're not my mom," You spat, "You're not even human."

"What's she talking about?" The younger one without a gun asked them, "...Not human?"

"Forget it." Henry grunted, waving the questions off.

Special Touch Part: OneWhere stories live. Discover now