Chapter Twenty-Five

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"That was insane."

"Yeah, think I went a bit off the rails with this one."

"You going to be okay?" She asked, walking you both out of the tower hours after getting back to New York, throwing her arm around your shoulders, "Now that it's all over?"

"Yeah," You took a deep breath, glancing up at the sky before letting your eyes land back on hers again, "I think I'm gonna be good."

She smiled before leaning over to kiss you, the two of you planning a week's long break from anything SHIELD or avengers related because you've both had enough for a bit.

Fast forward through a month filled with SHIELD paperwork, genuine promises, red tape, and stolen time with your favorite agent, the two of you were finally finished with the mess your family created.

For good.

It was complicated, revolting, and downright baffling to discover all you did about how sick and twisted your parents were, but everything was finally put in a box. And then you swiftly blew that box up, walking away with your head held somewhat high.

"Doctor Stephen Strange."

"Y/n L/n."

You wiggled your eyebrows playfully at him from across the table and even though he didn't look amused in the slightest, it had you chuckling. He sighed deeply before scanning his eyes over the files in front of him, the same ones SHIELD gave him about a month ago when they finally got in contact with the witch doctor, and he was piecing together what to do with you.

They were files and reports on...basically your entire life. Your family's history, your achievements and mishaps, your work at the shelter, an approximate number of people you've helped – with or without payment – and finally, what happened in those few weeks after getting kidnapped.

It was a lot.

"I want to make a doctor joke, but I don't have a carrot," You grumbled, filling in the awkward silence that fell between you two as he seemed to just be staring into your soul, "This is honestly a tragedy."


"Please," You put a hand up, looking away with a sarcastically hurt expression, "Spare me the pity, Strange, this isn't the time or place."

"Y/n," He groaned in annoyance and you glanced up at him with a bright, innocent smile, "What you've was bloody, messy, and...well, to be quite frank-"

"Only if I can be Deano," You cut in with a smirk and he furrowed his eyebrows, confused at first, but then sighed in frustration as you continued, thumbing it over to the guy next to you, "And Barnes can be Sammy."

"Why am I Sammy?" Bucky whined and then leaned forward with his elbows on the table, "Doc, why am I even here?"

"Fine, I'll be Sammy," You shrugged, "You can be – no, you're actually more of a Deano, so my apologies, yeah, you be Deano, he'll be Frank, and-"

"Please stop talking," Strange begged incredulously and you both clamped your mouths shut when he slammed his fist on the table as Bucky opened his mouth to protest, "I've been reviewing your files and...some of the crimes you've committed were quite inhumane."
Fury sent you in to meet with Doctor Strange because your powers weren't in fact finite. They had been dormant within you since you were born, a little gift from your psycho experimenting mother, and when he came to you for the stone your father was harboring for the future Thanos attempted revival, he sensed their presence in you immediately. Instead of giving you the gift of healing, he actually activated the already existent ones you had, but he put a cap on them and made it so if you overused them, it could weaken and possibly kill you.

He was afraid of you going dark side, wanting to follow through on your mother's plans, and using your power to actually bring the purple thing back to life. Because at their fullest extent, you could potentially bring people back to life under certain circumstances.

Make sense?

If your answer was yes, proceed.

If your answer was no, the author apologizes, but isn't a very good writer, so the explaining part is meh here. (She tries though, so don't be mean)

"It was pretty crazy how you just waltzed out of the tower with a freakin' head under your arm." Bucky agreed with Strange, side glancing you with a small shrug.

"Crazy...or badass?" You raised your eyebrows, pointing up at him.

"No, it was crazy." He deadpanned and you squinted.

"Or badass."


"Can we move on?" Strange snapped and you two looked over at him like kids being scolded by a parent, "Good. Now." He looked to Bucky, "I'm not going to be having her taken in by SHIELD and I'm giving her full access to her powers, effective immediately, on the grounds that you-"

"I get a pass?" You gasped excitedly, peering over at Bucky with an overly happy expression, "I feel like we should try your parachute pants prank on Captain Americass!"

"And now we can do it on the roof because if anything happens, you can just-"

"I'm regretting this already," He groaned loudly, and you guys were practically jumping out of your seats before he added, "I'm assigning Sergeant Barnes to monitor your progress, if you need to be taken in, he'll be – ah, screw it, welcome to the avengers."

He held out his hand as all three of you stood up and you paused mid-reach when he added the last part.

"I know I'm seeing one of them, but liiiiike," You used a high-pitched voice with a wince, "Do I have to call myself one?"

"You're impossible." Strange shook his head, dropping his hand, and then waving it, activating your powers.

"Why, thank you." You smirked and he blinked, not believing the situation he was put in.

You high-fived Bucky and went to fist bump the witch doctor, but he didn't move a muscle to reciprocate it, so you just shrugged before leaving.

Natasha was waiting across the hallway, leaning back against the wall, and when you came out, she pushed off it with her palms. You ran excitedly to meet her in the middle and then jumped into her arms when she put them out for a hug, both of you smiling widely.

You pulled back to cup her face, bringing her in for a bruising kiss, and she chuckled against you, moving to wrap your legs around her waist.

"I'm guessing it went well?" She cocked an eyebrow with an amused smile when you eventually pulled back.

"No, I'm still dying in like three months," You deadpanned, and her smile faltered before you laughed, kissing her again, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Damn Romanoff."

"I'm so proud of you."

"Mm," You pretended to think, dipping down to kiss her neck, and whispering against her skin after you knew both the witch doctor and Barnes had already made their way down the hall, "Wanna show me how proud you are back at my place?"

"Fuck, baby," She groaned lowly when you nipped at her spot, "I can't wait that long."

"Good thing you have a room here, then." You wiggled your eyebrows suggestively at her when you pulled back to rub your nose affectionately against hers.

"I love you, you know that?" She was already breathless, and you looked at her in surprise.

"Yeah?" You asked back like you couldn't believe it and when she nodded, tightening her grip on the backs of your thighs, you smiled widely, kissing her sweetly before you told her,

"I love you too, Natasha."

The End.

...Or is it?

No, it is.

But like, a sequel is tempting.

No, no...or maybe?

Maybe, but also no, but then again....

Sorry! Okay, thank you for reading this, voting on this, and even commenting on this crazy piece of flaming crap!! I love you all bunches for giving it the time of day and I had a blast writing it (especially the crazy parts ha)!!! 

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