Chapter Sixxx

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"Hey, Happy?" You called over, the two men lingering in the doorway, and he carefully came closer as your hand floated above the unconscious woman's body.


"This is gonna be...a lot, so um," You took a deep breath, a bit uncomfortable with what you had to ask, "If I pass out, can you...just make sure I make it to a chair or something?"

"Sure." He nodded to himself and you missed the way Tony rolled his eyes, getting impatient, but also a bit affronted with how close the two of you were becoming.


You pressed your hand firmly over the woman's shoulder and closed your eyes, focusing your power to fix everything that this 'fatal hit' had done to her. She seemed so small on the bed and when you released her, you surprisingly didn't pass out, but Happy had his hands out trust-fall style just in case.

"Okay," You were breathing heavily, nodding to yourself, and then glanced around Happy to Tony, "It's done, she should wake up within an hour."

"That's it?" Happy sounded astonished and a bit in awe, "That's really, well, it's amazing that you can do that."

"Yeah," Tony grunted in agreement, still a little pissed with you for not wanting to join them in any capacity, "Thank you."

You were tired, your eyes half closed, as you made your way out of the tower and said goodbye to Happy.

He truly seemed like a nice guy, but he came with a lot of friends that you just didn't have interest in meeting and even though he offered you a ride home, you declined it, insisting on taking the train instead.

You had fallen asleep on said train, but still woke up before your stop in Brooklyn, trudging up to your apartment and greeting Ollie minutes before passing out on the couch. You were completely drained, and you had a feeling that woman wouldn't be making it through the forty-eight hours because this is nearly how you felt the last time you attempted something like that.

You set the alarm on your phone, so you'd wake in about four or five hours to take the dog out, and then let yourself drift off into a deep sleep.

But you didn't wake up to your alarm, even though it was set to go off in about ten minutes, and instead you were jolted awake by the buzzing on your intercom.

"Coming...coming..." You groaned to no one, getting up, and stumbling over to the door after shutting the alarm off on your phone, pressing the call button, "Yeah?"

"It's Natasha," The name took you a moment to register and you scrunched your eyebrows, peering down at the dog who sat at your feet curiously, "Can I come up?"

You seriously considered saying no, having had enough of team destruction for one lifetime, but if she did end up not making it the two days and you pushed her away, it'd make the guilt follow you forever.

And you had enough of that to last multiple lifetimes.

"Okay." Is all you said before buzzing her up and unlocking the door, anxiously awaiting the visitor.

She politely knocked even though the intercom usually served as that purpose for you in the past, and you opened the door to see a freshly showered redhead in black jeans, a white shirt, and a leather jacket with black boots.

She looked so much more...alive, then she had a few hours ago.

No matter how creepy that sounds.

"Y/n, right?"

"Uh, yes – yeah," You nodded, gesturing for her to come in, and she did, so you closed the door behind her, "Um, not to be rude, but-"

"What the hell am I doing here?" She guessed, some amusement lining her voice, and Ollie peered up at her from where he sat, usually more of a guard dog, but failing at that part of his job in this moment.

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