Chapter Twenty

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You laughed – actually laughed out loud and you couldn't seem to stop. Through all this fucked up shit, you couldn't help but to laugh loudly at his answer because you had been told a while back that Thanos was dead, the god of thunder himself took care of that overgrown rotten grape, and this was too good.

"Something funny?" He sneered and you tried to calm down.

"Oh, man," You shook your head, still smiling, "And you call me a dumbass? Please."

"Oh, you think your weather boy killed him, right?" He perked up and you tried not to let him know that you had in fact been thinking that, "Yeah, I don't think so, you see, he's simply-"

It was at the best and worst time for someone to bust into the room, blood splattered across their face and chest, the second he raised a gun toward you to make this a hostage situation, she shot him in the chest four times.

"Natasha?" You gasped out, everything happening so fast, and the blood covered assassin gave you a nod with a soft smile before you warned her, "The girl – she's not-"

Natasha held her gun up at the little girl who still acted so wildly unaffected by what was happening around her, rocking her teddy bear in her arms like it was a baby, and Natasha's eyes darted between you both, not knowing what to do.

"Who is she?" Natasha asked you, "Am I shooting her?"

"Um – no," You decided in the moment and the girl peered up at you curiously, not expecting that answer, "Just come untie me."

She didn't have to be told twice before she was making her way across the room, ignoring the dead body on the floor, and then more agents were piling in with their guns up.

"We asked you to wait, Romanoff." One grumbled as the other two took the girl in.

"Yeah, and I told you I knew she was in here," Natasha argued back, getting you untied and not hesitating to lift you bridle style as you clung onto her neck, "I wasn't going to waste my damn time because you wanted to be sure, agent."

She spat the last part as she walked by him with a huff and you buried your face into her neck, breathing her in, letting yourself believe this part of the nightmare was over.

"I've got you, baby." She whispered soothingly as she carried you outside to the jet that was nearby.

Adjusting your eyes to the sun had you squinting, and you slowly realized you had been brought to a cabin, probably upstate, surrounded by woods.

She had a cut near her eye that you assume meant Danny got a hit in before she killed him, having spotted his body outside the front door, and you gingerly touched her cheek before it healed up.

"Don't waste it." She scolded lightly, moving to get a better hold on you as she climbed into the jet.

"Not a waste." You mumbled, feeling physically and mentally exhausted by this whole thing.

You remember her keeping you close, the beating of her heart lulling you to sleep, but you don't remember the jet taking off and you definitely don't remember getting into the tower.

"Fuck – no, no, no!" You woke up covered in a cold sweat, scanning the room, and then your eyes fell on the redhead sleeping next to you on top of the blankets, but she stirred awake soon after, "Sorry, sorry, go back to sleep."

"Sweetheart," She cooed, sitting up and rubbing your back as you caught your breath, "Did you have a nightmare?"

"Where is she?" You whispered harshly into the dark room, feeling like she was on the floor watching you as you spoke, and that ghost of a feeling had a shiver going down your spine, "Where is that girl from the cabin?"

"SHIELD took her to do some tests."

"I have to tell them," You muttered to yourself, ripping the blanket off, and she caught you before you could get up, so you turned to face her, "Nat, she's not – she's not-"

"Baby, you need to breathe," She soothed, and you realized lately everything was driving you to have panic attacks, "I know she's your...I know who she is, and I already told them, please, trust us or at least me and come back to bed, you need to rest."

"I can't," You shook your head, tears springing to your eyes, and she frowned, looking so broken, completely hating to see you this way and wishing she had never left for that mission, "I have to get to Maine."

"Maine?" She furrowed her eyebrows, "No, we traced them back to the cabin, it was the mission I was put on, and when I found out they were going for you..."

"You saved my life," You nodded with a small, sad smile, "Meant to thank you for that."

"You're safe and that's all I need," She assured, brushing a couple of fingers down your cheek, "Please, baby, they've got her and nothing's going to happen until you give the go ahead, so just take this time to rest, I can't imagine when the last time you slept was."

You hesitated, glancing over at the door for a moment and considering your choices, but then the comfortable bed and warm redhead seemed to crush the competition when she snuggled under the blanket where you had been. So, you nodded and got under with her, wanting to hold her close, but thankful she took the initiative of wrapping her limbs around you because you thought it'd be too forward.

"Thank you," You whispered into her neck after taking a deep breath, "Thank you so much."

She kissed the top of your head and tightened her hold ever so slightly when you kissed her neck quickly in return before you let yourself get some more sleep.

Special Touch Part: OneWhere stories live. Discover now