Chapter Four

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Some people call it a walk of shame, but when you've just spent an awesome night with a beautiful woman, you'd rather call it a victory lap.

You carried your heels down the stoop, not even sort of hungover since you only had the one shot at the bar and a couple of glasses of wine at her apartment, and she waved to you from her window, blowing a kiss that you pretended to catch. You had just slapped it on your ass, making you both laugh, as you walked backwards before crashing into someone on the sidewalk.

Thankfully, Jasmine had just shut her curtains before as she continued laughing and didn't see this embarrassment.

"Sorry," You mumbled, still chuckling, and then glanced up at the unamused man in a black suit and sunglasses, "Wasn't watching where I was going."

"Y/n L/n?" He asked, all business, and you frowned deeply, shaking your head.

"Nope, wrong girl," You lied, patting his shoulder as you walked around him since he clearly wasn't going to move, "No worries, though."

He grabbed your wrist, and you were just about to stab his hand with the heel of your shoe when he whipped his glasses off, making you vaguely recognize him.

"You need to come with me."

"Are you kidnapping me in broad daylight?" You spat, yanking your hand away, "Bold of you, mister Bond, but I don't go down that easy, try again."

"Tony Stark wants to meet you."

"That's where I know you!" You pointed to him excitedly, not letting the weight of what this meant process in your mind, "You're his security detail or bodyguard, right? Don't remember a name though..."

"Hogan." He offered and you snapped your fingers in remembrance, pointing to him again before you retracted your hand, pursing your lips.

"Right, so I'm gonna..." You pointed behind you where you had been headed, "Just gonna pass on that."

You spun around to keep walking, leaning up against a tree when you got in a safe distance to slip your heels on, and then pulled out your phone to call an Uber. You cringed to yourself, realizing it was already seven in the morning and Ollie probably really needed to go out, but the idea that Tony Stark could find you so easily when you weren't even in your neighborhood was currently taking up most of your thoughts with creepiness.

"You still there?" You called over your shoulder with a wince, not having heard the man get back into his car, and knowing this was a stupid idea, but the Uber would take fifteen minutes to get here if you waited.

"Yep." He answered shortly and you squeezed your eyes shut before asking.

"Possible to get a lift back to my apartment?"

"I've been instructed to bring you to the tower."

"Pitstop?" You bluffed and he seemed to consider it for a moment before reluctantly opening the black car's back door, so you hurried over to slip inside.

He sped off without an address and you fumed in defeat in the backseat, now knowing for sure this was a terrible idea, but you were in too deep now.

Surprisingly, he didn't go against your request and just forgo your apartment while taking you to the tower, so you got out and hoped he'd just eventually leave.

You didn't have a shift today since it was Saturday and the shelter always had plenty of volunteers on the weekend, so you just greeted Ollie, grabbed a cup of coffee along with a granola bar, slipped on some sweats and went back out for his walk. You avoided the man leaning against the black car, watching you behind his shades, and strolled down the block to the nearby dog park.

Almost two whole freaking hours later, you came back to the apartment building and for some crazy determined reason, Hogan was still waiting for you. For a second, you almost considered doubling back and spending the entire day out with Ollie, but you really needed the restroom, and you were pretty tired.

"Okay, I'll bite," You groaned when he stood straighter the moment he spotted you, "What does Stark, the famous Iron Man, want with this um, Y/n L/n, you said?"

"He just wants to talk to you."

"Well, good for Y/n L/n," You shrugged with a nod, still playing dumb – maybe too dumb, "Some people consider him a hero, so maybe she'll be fucking thrilled to meet the garbage can, who knows?"

He didn't seem too pleased with your answer, especially when you insulted his boss and friend, but you didn't pay it any mind, climbing the stoop to your apartment.

"I'm staying here." He told you plainly when you quirked an eyebrow his way over your shoulder.

"Seriously?" You asked incredulously and he nodded shortly, "You don't get paid enough, but suit yourself, I guess."

You went inside and took a shower, getting into something a bit more comfortable, before making some tea. You took a peek outside the window, barely moving the curtain, and sure enough, he was still leaning against the car with his hands folded in front of him. You sighed deeply, not knowing what to do at this point, and then decided just to open the curtains and watch him openly while you sipped your drink.

He shifted his weight uncomfortably from one foot to the other when he noticed and Ollie came to sit next to you, both of you leaning on the windowsill, to stare curiously at the man who had no place better to be.

It was only amusing for the first ten minutes or so and then your stomach growled, and you decided to make some real food.

On a whim or whatever you want to call it, you made some extra eggs, bacon, and hash browns, bringing a plate outside to the man who was still just standing there in the cold.

"Someone might call the cops on you, loiterer." You teased, offering the plate, and he hesitated before taking it gratefully.

"Is this turkey bacon?" He asked, pointing to the few strips, and you cocked an eyebrow, silently asking if he was serious, before he shrugged, "Doesn't matter."

"SHIELD's not arresting me then?" You mused lightly, trying to coax some more information out of the man who was enjoying the breakfast you whipped up.

"No," He shook his head, taking a bite of the potatoes, "Tony just wants to meet you; he's seen what you can do, and he sent me because it's more..." He thought about it for a moment with furrowed eyebrows, knowing his boss had driven to Queens to pick up a teenager before, so why is Brooklyn so different this time, especially since you're clearly not a kid, "Low profile, I guess."

"I can't do anything." You lied and then cringed when he shot you a look.

"We're the good guys." He offered and it was your turn to give him a look.

"No, you're the guys who wreck cities, leaving innocents dead and millions of dollars' worth of damages any time some golden horned theater kid with a psychotic streak comes into town."

He opened his mouth to respond, and you quirked an eyebrow, challenging him to argue with what you said before he nodded with a sigh.

"He just wants an hour."

"Fine, but in exchange for my invaluable time," You negotiated, "I want the children's park ten blocks that way," You gestured to the south, "Redone."

"A whole park?"

"A whole hour?" You shot back and he took a deep breath.

"Let me make a call."

Special Touch Part: OneWhere stories live. Discover now