Chapter Sixxxteen

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"We cannot seem locate Doctor Stephen Strange, sir."

"Of course, you can't," The director spat back sarcastically, annoyed, and took his palms off the table to glare at the agent who looked about ready to piss himself, "Keep looking and don't come back to me with nothing next time or I'll have your job."

The agent nodded nervously, putting his whole body into that nod, and then swiftly made his way out the room, but you didn't let the director know you had been watching the interaction, your eyes back on the camera in the corner.

"You make all your agents cry like that?" You smirked and he set his eye back on you, "Or just the special ones?"

"What makes him so special?"

"Maybe he knows your deepest, darkest secrets," You used your best evil voice and then laughed at yourself before shrugging, "Or maybe you have a soft spot for the new guy, who knows."

"How did your father obtain the soul stone?"

"So, we're just throwing the small talk out the window then?" You asked back and he cocked an eyebrow, so you sighed, "Fine, let's go with...I don't know."

"You're lying."

"And I'm," You checked your phone for the time, getting up, "Super late, so unless you're gonna arrest me for something..." You trailed off, raising your eyebrows, and when he didn't make a move, you nodded, "That's what I thought, so you know where to find if you need me, but don't."

"This isn't over, L/n."

"Isn't it, though?" You called back as you made it to the door, opening it to find someone who never failed to put a smile on your face.

"Ready to go?" She asked, glancing over your shoulder at the disgruntled director, and you took her hand before she kissed your cheek.

"Born ready."

She laughed, walking you out of the tower and onto the street for the date you both had planned for this afternoon.

It was supposed to include a late lunch at her favorite place, a trip to the museum, and then maybe a movie. Very classic, very traditional for a date, but the museum was closed for renovations, so the two of you ended up at the park, just walking around, talking.

It was all lovely and nice until the topic somehow got around to something that was less traditional for a date and definitely less classic.

"We're going to find Strange." She assured and you sighed, shaking your head with a smile.

"Natasha, I'm not worried about it," You told her truthfully, letting her hand go to walk backwards, facing her, until she stopped short when you added, "I just want to enjoy the time I have left, help whoever I can, and then bow out."

"Bow out?" She looked at you incredulously and you stopped walking, "Did you just describe dying as 'bowing out'?"

"This is only our second date, if you count the homemade pizzas I attempted to cook you in the tower's kitchen when we got back from Vormir, so I don't think the topic of 'death' is really appropriate," You teased, trying to lighten the mood, but she just frowned deeper somehow so you continued, "Okay, I'm sorry, please don't be upset with me."

"Our lives are anything but normal, neither of us will be getting a traditional relationship from the other if that's what you've been thinking," Her voice was low as she practically read your mind and you smiled softly at the idea because any relationship with her sounded a lot better than a normal one with someone else, but then you furrowed your eyebrows when she added, "What if it was reverse? What if I was the one who told you I only had a year – probably less?"

You stepped forward carefully, ignoring the runner who zoomed by you both, and then cupped her cheek with one had as your eyes darted across hers.

"I'd cure you of whatever it was." You shrugged, keeping your hand there as hers went over it to do just that.

"And what if you couldn't?"

"Then I'd ask for a refund on my gift because it'd all have been for nothing."

She leaned in to kiss you, one of countless you've already shared in your few days back from that awful place, but this one was different, and it had you melting under her touch.

"Don't you have a shift today?" She asked quietly when her forehead bumped gently against yours, her eyes still shut.

And you did, not realizing how fast this day had flown by, because you promised Paige you'd help her clean up today since you weren't going to be there for your regular hours.

"I could skip it." You offered, meaning it if it meant you could spend more time with her.

She kissed you again sweetly, the offer making her smile, and then shook her head, letting you go.

"As much as I want that," She smirked and you smiled adoringly at her, "You should go because you always keep your promises."

"You and Clint have that mission tomorrow," You reminded yourself out loud and she nodded, "When do you guys get back?"

"Probably a week or so," She couldn't help but to smile at how you groaned in result of her answer, just the thought of not seeing her for that long already bothering you, and she wasn't much better off, knowing she'd miss you too, but she was better at hiding it, "Will you be alright?"

"I'm not a baby," You grumbled, and she laughed, putting her arm around your waist, leading you through the park again, "But no, no I won't."

"What do you mean?" She asked, reaching over to kiss your temple.

"'m gonna miss you." You mumbled shyly and she smiled against your hair when she went to nuzzle you closer.

"I'm going to miss you too, feathers."

After she dropped you back off at your house so you could get ready, you took Ollie out quickly and then changed before heading over. It was only clean up, so you weren't in anything fancy, just some jeans and a sweater with some old sneakers in case you got them dirty or ruined. You've only done clean up at the shelter once before and you had gotten a huge sauce stain on your favorite shirt, so you learned your lesson.

When you got to the shelter, the place didn't have a soul inside and that confused you because Paige said she'd meet you there.

"Hello?" You called out and the motion sensitive lights went out, making you grimace, feeling like you were stepping into a horror movie waiting to happen, "...Paige?"

There was a squeal as something scattered across the floor in the dark, probably just a huge rat, and you widened your eyes, backing out as that was enough to startle you when you were already on edge.

"Yep, yeah, not sticking around for that." You mumbled to yourself, spinning around to leave, and then someone grabbed you the second you did, throwing a bag over your head.

Special Touch Part: OneWhere stories live. Discover now