Chapter Fifteen

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Warning: Mentions of a panic attack

Natasha Romanoff is one of the most intelligent people in the world and when she makes a move, it's calculated, deliberate, and will bring her the outcome she's always wanted.

She's studied the infinity stones, taken countless notes, and pulled infinite (ha) all-nighters trying to master the topic, so when she predicts someone like Nicholas Fury ordering her to a certain place, she hoped to never see for herself, she knows the risks.

But why, oh why, would Fury be sending her ass to Vormir of all places?

It doesn't make sense if Stephen Strange got the soul stone from you that you got from your dad, we've all seen another reality where that wouldn't make sense, but you should've read the description.

Because this is an AU and all bets are off.

It'll all wrap around to eventually make sense for the story, so just keep your hands and feet in at all times.

"Hap," You woke up, clutching your head as in pounded with your eyes squeezed shut, "Where's Natasha?"

"Tony's been working on something," He explained, flipping through his magazine, not at all fazed with you waking up, "And Fury sent her and Captain Rogers to another planet or was all very technical."


"Strange returned the soul stone, the orange one you had, but Fury wants it back."

"No, no, no," You muttered in a panic, whipping the blanket off your lap, and getting up, pulling out the IV with a swift yank, making you wince, "This can't be happening."

"Kid, what're you doing?" He asked hurriedly, getting up, "I think you're supposed to be relaxing."

"Happy, you don't get it," You shook your head, finally thinking with your head screwed on right and tight, "The only way to get that stone is – my dad, he didn't..."

You trailed off, your breathing coming in short, frantic spurts, and Happy had seen this before with Tony, so he helped you to sit down, shushing you softly, trying to get you to calm down.

"Breathe," He reminded you, "Slow, deep breaths," He reached over for the ice pack in one of the freezers on the other side of the wall, putting it to the back of your neck, "Breathe with me, okay? Slowly now, in," He crouched down and took in a deep inhale of air as you did the same before he exhaled, saying, "And out."

You took a few minutes, breathing with him as he held the ice pack to your forehead now, cooling off your runoff fever, and then you set your eyes on the man in the suit.

"Happy, where's Tony?"

Less than ten minutes later had you in a huge warehouse type of room that was much fancier than you expected it to be. Tony had a few suits unused, but he was hesitant to let someone just waltz in and take advantage, especially since the two of you didn't get along in the past.

"I know you hate me, but this-"

"Is Romanoff," He nodded, already giving you the suit that would fit you best, and then sighed with a teasing eye roll, "And Spangles too, I guess."

"I have to stop them."

"I know, but if something happens to you and she makes it back here without you?" He mused, hooking up the vile, "She'll kill me."

"I'm willing to take that risk if it means she's still breathing." You told him honestly and he nodded with a frown, his eyebrows raised in surprise with how much you seemed to care about her.

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