Chapter Eleven

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Fast forward two weeks and you're sitting face to face with Captain America.

It all started with a crying baby...

"She just won't stop." The mother sobbed, talking to her friend on a bench in the dog park, and she continued to rock the baby back and forth, hoping to sooth her.

You had just thrown the frisbee for Ollie who was eager to retrieve it when you caught the end of the conversation they were having and you had noticed the baby's wails before but that wasn't anything new in the neighborhood, many young families lived around here. You bit your lip, wondering if you should go over and help, thinking maybe it was just something simple the doctors could deal with, but the mother looked so desperate, at her wits' end, that you found yourself strolling over.

"Hey, my name's Y/n," You offered a sympathetic smile and she looked like she was ready for you to scold her for the noise her child was making, but then she looked into your soft eyes as you continued, seeing that wasn't why you had approached her, "I know this is weird, but do you mind if I...?"

You carefully put two fingers out and gently touched the baby's forehead before the mom could protest, but then she gasped when the little girl stopped crying.

"How did you-?"

"Something the doctors couldn't detect unless they specifically looked for it," You concluded out loud, "But she's good now," You smiled to the woman and nodded at her friend, "You ladies have a good day."

"Thank you, angel!" She called after you, making a cringe envelope onto your expression, and you just kept walking away to find Ollie again who always got distracted sniffing other dog's butts when he was left alone too long.

About twenty minutes later, the two of you were leaving the park and you stopped at a food truck when your phone vibrated in your pocket, so you fished it out.

It was a text from Jasmine inviting you to her work party and you considered declining it, but then you remembered how you bailed on Natasha about a week ago, not hearing a peep since, so you figured why not.

A party sounded fun and Jasmine's a cool girl, so it was really a no brainer at that point, since you clearly weren't seeing anyone else.

You texted her back saying you'd go, and she said she'd pick you up tomorrow around seven so you guys could head over together.

Whenever you made plans for the following day, time seemed to fly by between now and then, so soon enough you found yourself in front of your full-length mirror behind the door of your bedroom, readjusting the sleeves on your black dress, wondering if it was appropriate.

She did say it was a work party, so you went for a dress that reached your knees and had a flattering neckline that dipped but was still 'work party worthy' you assumed. You've only been to one other when Cory was working for a marketing company after college, but it was black tie casual, so at least it had some dress code to follow.

Right now, you were left in the dark of what was suitable.

But you looked and felt good, so even if you stuck out like a sore thumb, it'd be in the most fashionable way possible.

She buzzed minutes later, and you said your goodbyes to Ollie before slipping down to your apartment's bottom floor, meeting her at the door.

"You look gorgeous." She complimented after giving you a once over and you smiled proudly, taking note of how she was wearing something a little frillier, the yellow color a great contrast to her skin tone.

"Thanks, you look amazing." You told her and she kissed you on the cheek before taking your hand, leading you down to the cab.

Even though she was in flats and you were in heels, she still had a couple inches on you, so you guessed she must be closer to six feet tall. She looked like a model next to you and you were suddenly a bit self-conscious, wondering if you should've tried harder or maybe had started working out weeks ago just to fit this dress better.

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