Chapter Eight

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Once everything was out in the open, the three of you fell back into the comfortable pace you had grown accustomed to and that included heavy drinking until just before the sunrise.

It's not that any of you had a problem, well, Valerie had a bit of an addictive personality, but after your long week, it was always fun to get drunk, dance on bars, and obnoxiously sing Britney or whoever was on the roster for karaoke.

But this always led to horrible hangovers the next morning.

Valerie had been picked up by her boyfriend at around four in the morning since she was supposed to, unknowing to you and Cory, meet his parents for brunch that Saturday, and Cory crashed at your place since you guys had stumbled drunkenly that way anyway.

Currently, the two of you were standing about ten blocks south of your apartment with large coffees in hand, sunglasses on your faces, slippers on your feet, and hoodies overs last night's outfits, squinting in the morning sun.

"'s nice." Cory mumbled, taking another drink and you hummed in response.

The construction of the park was finishing up, a rush job, and that was unheard of for any remodeling on just about anything in the city, so the two of you were watching them paint it. By the beginning of the following week, it'd be done and safe to use by the neighborhood kids.

"He let you name it too?" They gestured to the sign by the entrance, and you nodded with a tight smile, "Considerate."

The two of you only stood there for a few more minutes before you took their hand and led them down to the diner.

Sliding across from them in a booth and thanking the waitress for the menus, you wiggled your eyebrows over the laminated material, making them laugh.

"What?" They chuckled, shaking their head and trying to focus on the choices offered.

"I'm in the mood for...everything."

"Like, pancakes and waffles?"

"Every breakfast item they offer."

"Your little side hustle must be doing well," They rolled their eyes with a smile, "You should be careful though because if you keep going, he's just going to come back sooner and-"

"You've ruined my breakfast buzz," You groaned, letting the menu flop down onto the table just as the waitress came back to retrieve them and before she could ask, you told her, "I'll just have a coffee and some toast, please."

"Sure, and what about you, love?" She smiled sweetly at Cory who was left a flustering mess just from the name and flirty smile alone.

"Scrambled eggs and pancakes, thanks." Cory mumbled nervously, handing the menu back when you offered yours with a shit eating grin that the waitress didn't seem to notice.

"She likes you." You hummed, dragging the words out.

"No, she doesn't."

"You should ask her out," You shrugged, leaning back against the booth, "She's adorable and her name is Jenny."

"How do you know her name and what does it have to do with us being compatible?"

"First of all, you sound like an old person," You pointed out teasingly and they rolled their eyes, "And another thing, Jenny is a homey name, it's sweet and friendly, but...what was the other question? You spoke too fast."

"How do you know her name."

"Oh! She was wearing a name tag last time we were here, and she tried to subtly flirt with you, but you were so oblivious it was painfully cute."

Special Touch Part: OneWhere stories live. Discover now