Chapter Twenty-One

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"'m fine."

"That what you told Natasha, so she'd actually let you go back home by yourself?"

"Nah," You scoffed behind your cup of coffee, "I snuck out."

You, Cory, and Valerie were all there for the grand opening of the coffee shop across your street, but Valerie went back to your place for a sweater since it was colder this morning. The two of you were left to sit at one of the tables, the place was already crowded, and it was barely seven, and the bags under your eyes told stories Cory didn't need to wonder about.

"Are you insane?" They couldn't help but to chuckle, "She's going to be pissed!"

"It's been a week." You groaned, hating the idea of SHIELD poking and prodding at that thing for this long without giving you any updates.

"You were kidnapped, it's not like you sprained an ankle," They quirked an eyebrow and you looked at them in confusion before they continued, "You're acting like her playing nurse for you was just to get over a broken bone or something, you're being a bit inconsiderate, love."

"Was I kidnapped?" You used a high-pitched voice, teasing them, and then sarcastically adding, "Oh my god, that's so crazy."

"Don't be a dick, you had us worried."

"Yes, and I promise to try my best to not let it happen again," Your voice was monotoned until you mumbled, "It's not like I asked to be kidnapped, that shit is downright embarrassing."

They paused, eyeing you behind their cup as you winced into yours at the memories even just talking about this brought up.

You haven't slept properly since you got back and even when you do get a few hours here or there, you're plagued by nightmares. You thought maybe it was being in the same building as that thing, even if she is locked down floors below you, but maybe it's also the truths you kept uncovering about your family. Natasha was trying to be there for you, you really appreciated it, but your guys' relationship is still pretty new, and the time spent together was borderline smothering with how she kept wanting you to let things out or tell her what was in Maine, but you couldn't.

Not yet.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" They finally asked and you spared them a glance, seeing they were there for you whenever you needed them, but you didn't want this to weigh on them too heavily either.

It scared the shit out of you, and you didn't even know where to begin in trying to explain what happened in that awful cabin.

"How's things with Jenny, my favorite diner waitress?" You decided to ask, and they hesitated before letting it go, knowing if you wanted to talk, you would.

"Really, really good," They smiled brightly, and you hummed contently, loving how happy even just the idea of this girl made them, "She just...she didn't bat an eye when I told her I'm asexual."

"You thought she might?"

"Yeah, well, you know," They shrugged, "It's nerve wracking enough to tell someone you're nonbinary, but it always feels heavier to tell someone your sexuality."

"Makes sense," You nodded, but then a smile erupted over your face when you saw their shy one, "So, it's that good, huh?"

"It's amazing." They sighed and you both laughed a second later, just as Valerie joined you guys.

"I can tell by their face," She pointed at Cory, "That you're talking about Jenny."

"Yeah, we-" You cut yourself off when you spotted someone coming through the door and hunkered down in your seat a bit, "Shit."

Special Touch Part: OneWhere stories live. Discover now