Part 1

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David Carlson was only 5 when he became blind. His mother had him in a car seat in the back of her Ford when it flipped. She died and he has to live without sight. His father is still around and works as a doctor in a local hospital. David has to go to college.

"I love you so much. Trey will help you get around. He is your age so... You know. Make some friends. Your mother would be so proud of you. Heck, I'm proud of you. I love you." David's father hugs David tight and sends him loose. Starting college is like starting a new life. David pulls out his walking stick and adjusts his glasses.
"Hello. My name is Trey." Trey introduces himself and shakes David's hand.
"Uh," David puts his walking stick in the opposite hand. "I'm David."
"I know who you are. Your dad and my dad went to the same high school and my dad says your dad talks a lot about you." Trey says, wiggling his finger at David. Of course, he can't see that.
"Oh. Cool."
"Definitely. Well, I'll show you to your room. Room 107. Your roommate is really cool." David takes Trey's wrist and they walk to room 107. The door creaks as it opens.
"Welcome to my- our humble abode! I'm Jason. David, right?" The roommate Jason shakes David's hand. David clears his throat before speaking.
"Uh, yeah. David. Nice to meet you."
"Totally. So... If you need anything just press this button," Trey leads David's finger to his pager that the school gave him and hovers his finger over the button he needs to press. "And I will be wherever you are as soon as possible."
"Ok. Awesome. Thank you for this." David thanks Trey.
"Yeah. No problem. Fist bump." David puts up a fist and Trey bumps it with his. The door creaks closed.
"If you need help, just say something. I will be in the room." One of the bed's springs creak as Jason plops on it.
"Ok." David puts his walking stick on the wood floor and skids it across. He does that for the whole room. He has had practice with memorizing rooms. This should be easy. It takes about 30 minutes for David to get a feel for the whole room and put his stuff away. "Jason?" David sits on the bed across from Jason's bed.
"Yeah?" Jason looks up from the book he is reading.
"Would you mind playing music? If you don't want too that's fine but music seems to help me through stressful situations. I also just really like music." David asks, folding his walking stick up.
"Who doesn't like music?" Jason says clicking buttons on the stereo they have.
"Thank you." David puts his hands around his head and lays down on the bed. David's body is pretty in shape. He used to do pull ups back home so, nice upper body. His hair, dark brown and wavy, frames the left side of his face perfectly. He stands at 5' 11". Even though he is quite attractive, the girls never really liked him because of his disability. He has never really liked any girl because none of them talk to him, that's the only way he can really find beauty in anybody.

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