Part 6

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"Are you hungry Dave?" Dad asks from outside David's room.
"No. I'm okay for now." David said while fiddling with his braille making machine.
"Hey, can I come in?" Dad asks.
"Yeah. It's unlocked." Dad comes into the room and sits on the bed.
"Are you okay?" Dad seems very concerned.
"Come on. There is something wrong. Is it about May?" Dad says. David sighs and stops with whatever he was doing.
"Oh man. It's not over with her. She can come visit anytime."
"It's not just that. I actually made memories. I can't make more if I'm here."
"Buy your own apartment."
"I don't have that kind of money." David goes back to trying to figure out this machine.
"I'll help. I can afford that and if it makes you happy, then I'll buy it and the first month of rent."
"Dad. Really? No. I can't."
"You can. I want you to. In fact, there is a free one on the west side of town. I... Uh, actually already bought it."
"What? Why? When?"
"I bought it when you said you were coming home. Let's pack you up."
They packed David up and got him in his new apartment in a couple of hours.
"It's all yours." Dad opens the door and hands the keys to David.
"Dad..." David hugs his dad. He pulls out his walking stick and feels the walls as he explores the halls. "Thank you so much." David sits on the brand new couch.
"The neighbors are sensitive so try not to.. Make too much noise. If you know what I mean." He nudges David.
"No." David says with a laugh.

• 100 phone calls, 4 visits, and 2 years later•

"I have to go." May pauses. "I love you." She whispers.
"I love you. I can't wait for next Saturday. I'll call you tomorrow."
"Bye, babe." May whispers again. Trying not to cry?
"Bye." David hangs up, confused. Why was she holding back tears? Saturday is the day May graduates. David and his dad get to go down there to see her. They leave tomorrow actually.

"I'm so excited." David says on the way to the airport.
"I'm excited for you too."

"Dad. Can you type in her phone number?" David says in the taxi, on the way to their hotel.
"Sure." He punches in the number and hands the phone to David.
"Hello?" May says. The background noise is lower than usual. Where is she?
"May! It's David. We landed!"
"Oh my! That's so exciting David! Hey... I have something to tell you." May says.
"Ok?.. Is everything okay?"
"Just.. Don't worry. Okay. Recently I had been rushed to the hospital." May is holding back tears again.
"May? What happened?" David is holding back tears too.
"They said I had a seizure. So, right. Ok. I went back to campus and they called me in again. So I went and they said.." She lets the tears go. She sobs. David wishes he could be wherever she is and give her a hug.
"They said I had a tumor... In my head. So I went through with a surgery. I'm in the hospital now, recovering. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. David.."
"May.. It's okay. I'm coming." He hangs up and pays the taxi extra to drive to the hospital. When they get there, they have to go to a receptionist.
"I'm looking for a May Loydd." Dad says this.
"Are you a relative or specialist?" The old lady never looks up from her computer screen.
"My son is her boyfriend."
"She is in room 304. Recovery."
"Thank you." The lady hands them both special passes. They take the elevator and walk to her room. When they open the door it is silent.
"May?" David walks in and moves his stick on the ground.
"David! Follow the sound of my voice." They hug and David kneels by the bed.
"I'll be out here." David's dad shuts the door behind him.
"Give me your hand." She says as she takes the back of David's head and puts her forehead to his.
"I should've been here for you. I could've done something." David is shaking his head. May puts her warm hand on his cheek.
"I should've told you sooner. You didn't do anything wrong."
"Are you going to miss your graduation?" David asks.
"Yes, but they will mail me my diploma. It's alright David. Don't worry." She kisses him.
"Aren't you scared?" David asks as she rests her head on his shoulder.
"Yes. Very." David feels a tear fall on his shoulder.
"Don't be." They kiss again but this time it's longer. They never want to leave this moment.
"So, my hair is shaved off in the back." May says.
"I love it."
"Haha. Thanks." A pause goes by.
"When will you be able to leave?"
"2 weeks. After that I can go back to the school and finish packing my things." May says.
"Well, I have an apartment now..."
"So?... What's your point?" May laughs.
"I want you to move in with me. Will you?" David takes her hand.
"Uh... Wow. David... I... Yes. I will." They hug.
"This is amazing. I love you May."
"I love you David." May hugs him even tighter.

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