Part 14

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"Grab the camera!" David kept his eyes on his little one as he pointed in the direction of the camera. Pete was about to walk. "Come to daddy! You can do it!" David clapped his hands as he got handed the camera. Right as he turned the camera on, Peter walked!
Milestone Number 1, Walking: Passed.
Milestone Number 2, Talking: Passed. First Word? Dada.

"See you later tonight you two." May kissed both of the boys foreheads before she went to work. She works as a manager at a crappy Good Will that's about 4 blocks from their HOUSE. Yes, they bought a house and yes, May has a pretty sucky job. At least it pays well.
"Let's have some fun kid." David picks Pete up and puts him down on the floor to eat some cereal. Without milk of course. Peter is a really great 4 year old. He goes to a really nice preschool and has many friends. His dark blue eyes shine and his dark, curly hair is getting really long.
The daddy/son day consisted of playing superhero (Dave was the bad guy), hide and seek, tag, napping, and eating. Pretty fun.
"Today was fun Daddy." Peter runs ahead as they both walk down the park path, toward the swing set.
"Oh really?" They both sat on the swing and swayed slightly. "What was your favorite part?"
"Eating." Pete stares at the lake full of ducks.
"Yeah me too. Good choice." David pokes him, making his swing sway to the right.
"Hey!" He pokes him back. They laugh and laugh as they do that back and forth.
"I love you, Little Man." David catches his breath and ruffles Peters curls.
"I love you too Daddy." He gets out of the swing without looking at Dave and walks to the small lake, more like a pond. David pats his pockets and finds some oyster crackers (who knows why he has those). He hands them to Pete who was sitting there on the ground, shoes and socks off, feet in the water. He immediately starts to toss the crackers by the ducks. They scoop them up with their beaks and never stop swimming. "Look! They are eating them!" Pete rolls up his pants and stands in the 6 inch deep water, wiggling his toes. David joins him. They splash each other and play until the sun starts to set.
"Let's go get some ice cream, Bud." David pulls Pete onto his shoulders so he is pleasantly sitting upright.
"Ok." Pete smiles.

"I'm home!" May sets her keys on the kitchen counter. "Hello? Boys?" She looked around the living room when...
"BOO!" Peter and David came up behind her and screamed.
"OH MY-" she gained her balance and hugged them both. "Haha very funny." She smiled as she picked Pete up. "Time for bed."
"Aw come on mommy. 10 more minutes?" He begged her.
"Me and your daddy are going to bed too. So, no. Sorry." May set Peter in his bed and put his covers up to his chin.
"Can you at least read me a story?" He snuggles into his covers.
"Ok." May agrees. "What story?" She brushes her hand across the book shelf.
"That one." Pete points to where her hand was. It was a story about a bunny. A bunny who ran away. The bunny got lost in the big wilderness and the mother bunny didn't know where the baby was. She went and looked for the baby bunny and found it just in the nick of time. Mothers are like that, they are superhero in disguise.
"The end. Goodnight Pete." May plants a kiss on the forehead of the sleeping child. She turns to face the door and walk out of Petes room and sees David leaning against the door frame. "We're you standing there the whole time?" May smiles.
"Yeah. You're cute." He pulls her into his arms.
"I try." She says sarcastically.
"No. You don't have to." David picks her up and lays her down on their bed.
"I went to the doctor today." May says.
"What? Without me?" David says softly. "Why?"
"Well, I didn't feel good. Better safe than sorry right?" She looks at him.
"So? Is anything wrong?" Her eyes tear up.
"I relapsed. After like 5 years I thought I was clean. It's back. David." He was speechless. This isn't good. After 5 years... This has to be a different kind of cancer.
"What type is it?"
"They are calling me in tomorrow to tell me. I don't know." She shrugs and goes back to lying on her back. David grabs her hand as they drift off to sleep. Tomorrow is a new day.
"I love you May." David whispers and gets no answer as she is already asleep. He smiles though, because he know she loves him too. Through it all. Sickness and health.

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