Part 10

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• 1 year of chemotherapy and planning of a wedding •

Instead of sleeping in the guest room, May now sleeps with David in his bed. His sheets are a plain white and he sleeps facing the middle of the bed. His dark hair is swooped perfectly as he sleeps. His upper half exposed.
The chemo has made May's hair fall out unfortunately. It made her limbs cold. She faces towards David while she sleeps. When she can't sleep she will run her fingers through his hair. Since he can't really shave, he has slight scruff on his face. He keeps her warm.

6:00 am
"David! Wake up! They sent me the test results! David." She shakes him awake.
"W-what. I'm awake. I'm awake." He puts his arms over his head and opens his foggy blue eyes.
"I got the CT scan results!" She shakes him. He moves his arms from his head and he puts them around her waist. He pulls her close and pecks her lips with his and then let's her sit back down.
"Let's see them." David says calmly. "Well... Let you see them." He chuckles.
"Haha." May says mockingly as she sits crisscross and starts to open the yellow folder. The room was silent as she tears it open. "Oh my gosh. Oh my!" May jumps out of bed and jumps up and down. "David! It's getting smaller! By the month! HAHAHAHA! David!" She sits on his lap, trying to get his attention. He grabs her waist and makes her lay down right next to him. He turns to his side and rests the side of his head on his hand. His other hand rests at his side.
"I'm so happy." David whispers.
"I- I am too, Dave, I am too." May laughs. David pulls her closer.
"We should do something." David whispers. May clears her throat.
"Morning breath!" May shoots up and runs to the bathroom where she brushes her teeth and David does too. When they walk into the room they pause. David picks May up and throws her on the bed. She grabs his hand and drags him down with her. May ended up being on top of David. She sat up and sat crisscross while David spread his legs so May could scoot in closer.
"May, do you love me? I know you say it all the time but isn't it hard? Loving a blind person?"
"David... Of course it's hard. But it's also easy, like I've known you forever. Loving you is like butter. That sounds really weird and doesn't make sense." May looks down. David moves her head up for her.
"It makes perfect sense." He gave her A peck on the lips. "Would you still love me if I wasn't blind?" David asks.
"Yes. I probably would. Your personality is what I've come to love. If had your sight back it would just be an addition to what amazing thing you already are. Why?" May asks.
"Well... When we went to the doctor last month, she said that the disabled department has an opportunity open. They could fix me May." He shakes her shoulders.
"That's amazing! How much does it cost?"
"A lot. Like 35,000 dollars..." David itches the back of his neck. "It would be my fathers money that would cover the cost for all of it including medication." He takes his hand off his neck and puts it unintentionally on May's thigh. He keeps it there though.
"My goodness David. That would be revolutionary. Do you think you could handle... Everything? Seeing is probably more than you know."
"I'm willing to take that on to see you. I know you're beautiful. I want to see it with my own eyes." David lays down and pulls May with him, making her on top of him. She just goes limp and lays her head on his chest. Her hands in his.
"I'm totally okay with that. Do it. I love you." May slides up and kisses David. She moves her hands to his cheeks and he moves his hands to her waist. David moves his hands to her face and she moves hers to his waist. Little fireworks go off in their minds. They do every time they kiss like this.
"Let's go get breakfast." David says between kisses.
"Alright." May smiles, her eyes closed.
They walk together to get Starbucks coffee and share a breakfast sandwich. A few months ago they hired a wedding planner so their wedding is coming sooner. Very soon. So soon, it's coming up in the next month. The two are so excited. The laser eye operation David scheduled is next week. Nervousness flows through his veins.

"You won't want to take the bandages off for about three weeks." The doctor says while putting bandages on David's eyes. "The surgery went extremely well. I really think you are going to be able to see again."
"My wedding day is in 3 weeks." David says, confused.
"Well, when you take them off it will be more exciting now won't it?" The doctor walks out of the room to talk to May who was standing outside. After a few minutes in silence, May walks in.
"Hey Dave. How ya doing?" She goes up and start massaging his neck and shoulders.
"I'm good. I'm excited. Did he tell you about me taking off the bandages on our wedding day?" David pulls her into his lap.
"Yes actually. I think it's a great idea." She hugs him tightly. "We should go home. And sleep." May says.
"Ok." May gets up and holds David's hand. In that moment, when they were driving home and holding hands, it seemed as if everything was normal. It was perfect.

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