Part 13

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• Week After They Moved •
May and David have to got to a meeting with their oncologist to see if they can have a baby.

"If I were you I would have a baby now before there is a relapse." The doctor shakes her head and purses her lips. She seem sympathetic, like if they don't have it now, they may never get to.
"Alright. That's what we'll do." Dave smiles and squeezes Mays hand. She looks at him. Determined.
"Okay. You're done for now." May and David stand up. May starts to walk out with her arm in David's when Dave gets a hand on his other arm. The doctor. David gives May a 'everything's all good. I'll meet you out there' look. May walks into the waiting room.
"What's up?" David leans against the counter across from the doctor. She is about May's age and has very beautiful black hair and her ethnicity is on the Asian side.
"I don't know. I just wanted to talk to you. See how you are doing." She takes a step closer. David starts to sweat. Why was she doing this?
"Uh. But you aren't a therapist." David puts both his hands on the table and stands up straight instead of leaning.
"Right... Oncologist. Darn. I really wanted to.." She takes a step so close their toes are touching. "Get to know you better." She presses her body against David's.
"Stop. I'm telling someone that you did this. You're getting fired." David inches his way to the door but she pulls him back close. "Stop." He pushes her shoulders back as gentle as he could.
"And what if I say no? You're wife is dying and I'm the only one to help her. You have to do what I say or I kick you out." She walks her fingers up to his cheek and weaves them through his hair.
"You'll go to jail." He pushes her to the ground and walks out. He didn't seriously hurt her, he just pushed her enough to get free. She hit the ground with a grunt.
"May." David was angry. He sees her leaning over the front desk to talk to the man standing there. Her eyes fluttering. She looks at David in confusion.
"What?" She questions and stands up straight.
"We have to leave. Now." He grabs her arm firmly but not enough to hurt her. She stays silent as the walk into the grassy field in front of the hospital.
"What's wrong with you?" She rips her arm away from him and stops walking.
"May. Can we talk about this later?" David whisper-yells.
"No. We can't." She crosses her arms over her chest and changes her stance, so she looks more sassy.
"We can't- that doctor is not- we will not be going to that doctor anymore." David keeps his firm feet on the ground as rain heavily starts to fall. David leads May under a random white tent in the same grassy area.
"Why? Why can't w-" May gets interrupted.
"I almost got raped in there. We are not going back." David takes a step closer to May and points in the general direction of the hospital building, still looking her straight in the eye. Their faces, 3 inches apart. May's eyes filled with tears. "You were being all flirty with the receptionist and meanwhile our doctor was literally on top of me. I don't want to be worried that you are on another man and I'm on another woman. Maybe I should go with the oncologist. Maybe you should run away with that receptionist. Maybe..."
"Stop." May put a finger on his lips. "Stop talking. That wasn't real. You're right. I should've been there, but I don't want him. I want you. I want something more than just waiting to relapse. We need to get out of here." May pulls David's arm to walk to their rental car. The heavy rain soaks them almost instantly. May opened the car door when David turns her around and starts kissing her profusely, closing the door that just opened and pushing her against the car. "What was that for?" May lets go from her tight grip on his wet, white, see through, crew neck tee shirt.
"I thought we needed that. I was right." He walks to the passenger side of the car and gets in. May smiles and gets in the car too. She holds his hand all the way back to San Fransisco.

"Uh... Yeah. These past 2 years or so have been really hard, but... We're getting through it. I can almost see the light. My child is my light..." David tells his therapist, Joe. Ring Ring. David gets a call. It's from the hospital.
"Hi, is everything okay?" David stands up and starts to pace the dimly lighted room.
"May is in labor." Their midwife, Terra, sounds concerned.
"I'll be there in 10." David tells Joe and runs to his car. He recently took the driving test and he passed. He is almost speeding on the way to the San Fransisco hospital. Sweat was running down David's face as he ran to the New Beginnings part of the hospital. That's where all the baby's are born and nurtured for the first couple hours/days.
After 10 hours of labor, Peter Carlson entered the world as David Carlson's and May Carlson's little bundle of joy.

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