Part 2

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After a short nap, It is 10 at night. He didn't have any classes on the first day. David heads to take a shower. The halls were filled with random people. Boys and girls. Everyone looks at him.
"WATCH OUT GOR THE BLIND GUY!" A random person from down the hall shouts. These people are all drunk and drugged.
"Do you need help?" A girl asks as she lays her hand on his arm. Her voice was sweet and smooth.
"That would be good. Yes." David laughs a little. He has been bullied all his life and this is no different.
"Where do you need to go?" She talks a little louder, over the loud music playing from someone's room.
"The showers." David grits his teeth. This is embarrassing.
"Okay. No problem. Grab my hand." She takes his significantly larger hand and they weave through the people crowding the halls. They make it to the quiet locker room.
"Ok. We are here." The girl says with a sigh. "My name is May. What is your name?" She shakes David's hand.
"David. Pretty name, May." He smirks.
"Thank you." She blushes. After several seconds of silence, David breaks it.
"You probably noticed this already but, I'm blind."
"Yeah. If you don't mind me asking, how did that happen?" May leads David to one of the benches and puts his hand on her knee so he knows where she is. He takes it off after a couple of seconds. David tells May all about him. There isn't much to know.
"I should really be going," May laughs. "Here, take this." She hands David her necklace that says May on it and hands him her number. "The necklace is so you don't forget. That piece of paper is my number. I go to school here so... If you need me. I'm here." May blushes and so does David. His olive skin becomes red for a second.
"I do like it. Thank you for everything." David smiles, pearly whites showing.
"I like you David. You're cool." The locker room door slams shut as she walks out. A friend. Finally. David thinks. She's nice too. David smiles and takes a shower. Day: Made. Now he has to make it back to his room. He needs help getting back. The pager. He presses the special button on the pager for Trey to come and help him.

After about half an hour of waiting time he gives up on having Trey come. After all, it is about 11:00 at night. He might be asleep. So, now he has to make it through this crowd of people. "Crap." David puts on his jeans, carries his shirt, and puts the towel he used, around his neck. Right as he opens the door he pulls out his walking stick and puts on his dark glasses. The door is heavier than expected.
As he follows the wall to what he thinks is his room, boom. Someone slams into him.
"Dude. Sorry about that. Here, let me help you." The guys words were slurred and sluggish but he sounds familiar. It was Jason.
"Jason are you drunk?" David wipes his jeans off.
"How did you know it was me, Blind Boy?"
"Dude, you're being a jerk right now."
"You better get to the room before you bump into someone or something else." Jason turns around and starts making out with one of the girls behind him. He must of done that loudly because David could hear it and she must be okay with it because she is drunk too. Gross. David walks in the dorm room and lays on the bed. Of course, he isn't tired, he just had an 8 hour nap. Just then, Trey busts into the room.
"What's wrong? Are you okay? Is everything okay?" Trey shakes David.
"Everything is fine. I called you like an hour ago. What happened?"
"Oh.. Um well... I had a girl over." Trey says, embarrassed.
"Oh." David says with a little laughter in his voice.
"What did you need?" Trey asks.
"Oh well I need help getting to here from the locker room."
"How did you get TO the locker room?" Trey asks in confusion.
"I... Met a girl." David lays back down on the bed.
"Oh. Do you like her?" Trey sits down on the bed.
"Yeah but like as... A friend." David blushes, not even noticing that he blushed.
"Hmmmm... Ok there buddy." Trey stands up. "Well, I should go. Let you get some sleep. Here is your schedule." He hands David the braille schedule. "Do you need anything else before I go?"
"Actually.. Yeah." David takes out the piece of paper and hands it to Trey. "Can you type this into your phone?"
"Yeah.. Uh who is that? It's that girl isn't it!" Trey jumps up and down.
"Yeah it is. Her name is May." David rubs his arms and drops his head.
"Ok ok. I'll call it." Trey types in the number and David listens to the beeps the buttons make.
"Hello?" May answers. Trey makes snickering noises and then hands the phone to David.
"Hey May! It's David." David changes the tone of his voice dramatically.
"David! What's up?" She sounds happy.
"I just wanted to..." His voice trails off and he waves his hand around, not knowing what he called her for.
"Ask her out man!" Trey whisper/ yells.
"I wanted to see if you wanted to get coffee sometime." David grits his teeth as he waits for an answer. He wants her to join him so bad.
"Yeah! That would be great, David! Tomorrow at 10. Does that work?" May replies excitedly.
"Yeah definitely!" David pounds his fist in the air silently.
"Yay! I'm so excited!" May says.
"Me too." A pause goes by. "Well, I'll leave you alone. See you tomorrow." David wipes his hands on his jeans even though there is nothing there.
"Yeah. Ok. Goodnight. See you tomorrow. Sleep well." She says. Her voice is so smooth.
"Sleep well." David hangs up. "WOO!"
"Nice job. Didn't think you had it in you." Trey congratulates him. "I'm going to go now. See you."
"Bye." David's voice was shaking. Not like he was crying but like he was so overjoyed that he can't even talk.

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