Chapter One: Back to Hogwarts

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Y/N Lestrange's POV

Yep, you heard that right. I am the daughter of one of the cruelest people in the world. It is not a fun life. My mother went to prison soon after I was born and my father was already in prison before I was even born. I have lived with the Malfoys' my whole life. It was pretty good other than Lucious being a jerk but I had Draco as my best friend. That was until the week before my first year at Hogwarts. My mother broke out of Azkaban, wizard prison. She came to live at the Malfoy's home with me. Being a Lestrange means getting tortured, even for a tiny mistake. My mothers favorite torture methods were crucio (the cruciatus curse) and her knife but she would also hit. Anyways, right now I am on the train back to Hogwarts for my 3rd year. I am sitting in one of the compartments with my best friends(AKA, the Slytherin group), Draco, Theo, Blaise, Pansy, and Mia.

"Did you hear about the new students?" Draco asks.

"No, who are they?" Theo asks.

"They are Riddles," Draco says.

"As in the Dark Lord's children?" Pansy says.

"Yep," Draco says.

"So if they want to join a friend group the only one they can join is ours," Mia says. What she means by this is everyone will be too scared of them like they are scared of us. You see our parents are all Death Eaters AKA the Dark Lord's followers. Continuing,

"Yep," everyone says.

"What are their names?" I ask.

"Mattheo and Tom Riddle," Draco says

"Are they joining first year?" Pansy asks.

"Nope they are joining our year," Blaise says.

"Do you think they are going to do to them what they did to you two?" Mia asks, pointing at Draco and I.

"Yes," I say

"Y/N, we should go see our friends," Mia said.

"Yes, we should," I say.

"Are we not your friends?" Theo gasped, putting his hand on his heart.

"No, you're not," I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes. We laugh a little bit and then Mia and I walk over to the compartment with our friends, Duchess, Sally, Layla, Ruby, Dawn, Destiny, Harper, and Annabella.

"Finally you're both here," Duchess says, giving Mia and I each a hug.

"Mia!!!!" Annabella exclaimed, she gave Mia a big hug. Mia and I sat down in the squished compartment and talked with our friends.

"Have you heard about the new students?" I asked.

"No, we haven't," Sally said.

"The Riddles are coming to Hogwarts," Mia said.

"You know who's children are coming to Hogwarts. This is outrageous" Destiny shouted.

"They shouldn't be allowed at the school," Harper exclaimed.

"They're probably going to do to them what they did to Draco and I," I say.

"You're probably right," Layla says.

"Students, if you haven't already, please change into your robes. We will be arriving at Hogwarts shortly." The speaker echoed through the train.

"We should go get changed," I say.

"I agree," Mia says.

"Bye," Mia and I say

"Bye," Our friends say. Mia and I head back to our original compartment to find it empty. They probably went to change already. Mia hands me my robe down from the compartment above the compartment and we head to the bathrooms to get changed. I change into my robes and walk out to see Mia standing there waiting.

"We look good," she says.

"Yes, we do," I say.

"Are you nervous?" She asks.

"Yes, are you?" I replied.

"A bit," She says.

"All students please exit the train. We have arrived at Hogwarts," The speakers echoed through the train.

"Are you ready?" Mia asks.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I say.

Year three here I come!!

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