Chapter Three: Truth or Dare

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Y/N Lestrange's POV

"Okay, Mattheo truth or dare?" Draco asks.

"Truth," Mattheo says.

"Who did you grow up with?" Draco asks.

"Death eaters," Mattheo says. "Y/N truth or dare?"

"Truth," I say.

"Have you ever been tortured by your mother?" Mattheo asks

"Yes," I say. "Tom truth or dare?"

"Dare," Tom says.

"I dare you to punch a wall," Draco says, Tom walks over and punches a wall.

"Draco truth or dare," Tom asks.

"Truth," Draco says.

"Is Lucius as much of a jerk as everyone says?" Mattheo asks.

"Yes, Tom, truth or dare?" Draco asks

"Truth," Tom says.

"What was it like growing up?" Draco asks.

"Two words, pure torture," Tom says.

"How so?" Draco asks

"Getting tortured everyday over the smallest things," Tom says.

"Oh," Draco says. He looks over at me cause the same happens to me.

"We have a question for you," Mattheo says.

"Sure what is it?" Draco asks.

"Why were you both so understanding about us having to have our arms tied together?" Mattheo asks.

"Any normal person would have just ignored us," Tom says.

"Because we had to deal with the same thing," I say.

"On my first week and for Y/N's first two weeks Dumbledore did that to us too," Draco says.

"Oh," Tom and Mattheo say.

"We should go to bed," Draco says.

"I call going first," I say.

"I call second," Draco says

"I call third," Mattheo says

"I guess I'm fourth," Tom says. I grab a pair of pajamas, my tooth brush, tooth paste, and hairbrush. I brush my teeth and change into my pajamas. I wear a long sleeve pajama shirt and pajama pants.

After about 5 minutes I come out and Draco goes in. I go to my trunk and get out the book I'm reading, Catching Fire, the second book in the Hunger Games trilogy. This is probably my favorite series, this is my 3rd time reading the series.

"So you get tortured too?" Tom asks.

"Yep," I say, not even looking up from my book.

"Is that why you wear a long sleeve?" Mattheo asks.

"Why do you care?" I say finally looking up from my book.

"Because we have scars and bruises too," Tom says. Him and Mattheo roll up their sleeves to reveal scars, bruises, and cuts, some look very recent.

"You can show us, we understand," Mattheo says.

"Okay," I say. I roll up my sleeves hesitantly. It looks almost the exact same as theirs. "Who tortures you?" I ask.

"Just some random death eaters who live with us," Tom says.

"We don't even know their names," Mattheo says.

"What about you?" Tom asks.

"My mother," I say. I roll my sleeves back down. Mattheo and Tom do the same.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N: Sorry for the short chapter and chapters to follow.

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