Chapter Five: First Class

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Y/N Lestrange's

"Where did you two come from?" Draco asks.

"We were playing Go Fish in the bathroom cause you two were still asleep and we didn't want to wake you up," Mattheo says.

"Oh okay," Draco says.

"Same order as last night?" Mattheo asks.

"Sure," Draco, Mattheo, and I say. I walk over to my trunk and grab my uniform, shampoo, body wash, conditioner, and towel. I go into the bathroom and close the door. I get undressed and climb in the shower. I grabbed my body wash and washed my body ignoring the stinging pain from my cuts. I rinse off and wash my hair. I turn the water off and get out of the shower. I grab my towel and dry off. I get dressed and then brush my teeth. I then leave the bathroom and brush my hair. I get my bag ready and wait for everyone to finish which takes about 30 minutes.

"Are we all ready to go?" I ask.

"Yes," Mattheo, Tom, and Draco say. I check the clock to see what time it is.

"We missed breakfast and we're going to be late to class," I say.

"Our first class is Transfiguration," Draco says. We all rush to the classroom.and walk in only 5 minutes late.

"You all finally decided to show up," Professor McGonagall.

"Sorry Professor, the stairs shifted," Draco says.

"That is no excuse, the four of you, detention tonight at 8PM on the dot," McGonagall says.

"But-" Draco says.

"No buts. Now take your seats," McGonagall says. Mattheo and I take a seat at the third table from the back and Draco and Tom sit behind us. McGonagall starts the lesson and talks for the entire hour. This happens for the other 3 lessons before lunch except for the being late part. We finally leave our last lesson before lunch.

"Those lessons were so boring," Draco says.

"I know," Tom says.

"At least we have lunch now," Mattheo says.

"Yeah at least that," I say.


A/N: Like I said before sorry for the short chapters.

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