Chapter Seven: Detention

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Y/N Lestrange's POV

"Merlin, I hate detention," I say.

"I know, me too," Draco says.

"Are we all ready to go?" Tom asks.

"Yeah," Draco says. We all head over to Professor McGonagall's classroom for detention.

"What do you think she is going to give us for detention?" Mattheo asks.

"Sit in a classroom silently for three hours or clean the classroom," I say.

"Both are really, really boring," Draco says. We arrive in front of the classroom one minute before detention starts. McGonagall opens the door and pulls us in.

"Mattheo and Y/N there," McGonagall says and points to a seat all the way in the back.

"Yes ma'am," Mattheo says.

"Five points from Slytherin. Don't call me ma'am. Tom, Draco here," McGonagall says and points to a seat at the front. We all take our seats. "I have matters to attend to so you four are to sit here for three hours and behave," McGonagall says. She leaves the classroom and locks the door.

"So what are we going to do for the next three hours," I ask.

"I don't know," Draco says.

"Mattheo, Tom do you have any ideas," I ask.

"I don't care what any of you do. I am just going to read," Tom says and pulls out a book.

"Well anyways, what about you Mattheo?" I ask.

"We slap Tom for fun," Mattheo says.

"I love that idea," Draco and I say at the same time.

"If you even try I will hex you into next week," Tom says.

"No you won't cause I'll slap you into next week first," I say. We all talk, laugh and argue for the next three hours. McGonagall comes back into the room.

"Your detention is over, you may leave," McGonagall says. We get up and leave. We go back to the common room and see our friends sitting on the couch talking.

"How was detention," Theo asks.

"It was okay. I mean it is detention," Draco says.

"We just sat around talking the entire time," Mattheo says.

"She didn't make you stay quiet?" Mia asks.

"She wasn't even in the classroom," I say.

"Then why didn't you just leave?" Blaise asks.

"One, we didn't want more detention," Tom says.

"Two we were locked in," Mattheo says.

"Okay," Theo, Mia, Blaise and Pansy say.

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