Chapter Nine: The Letter

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Y/N Lestrange's POV

The four of us wake up at 10AM (It's is a Saturday) to the Riddle's owl banging on the window. I groan and get up. I open the window and let the owl in. The owl drops off a letter for Mattheo and Tom.

Mattheo Riddle's POV

As the letter falls between Tom and I look at each other terrified. We know it is going to be bad, really, really bad. I grab the letter and go sit next to Tom and we open it. The letter say:

Dear Tom and Mattheo,

We summon you both home. We've heard of your detention. We're very disappointed, you are both disgraces to the Riddle name. Be home by 12PM be prepared for torture.

Regards, the Death Eaters.

No, no, I don't want to go back. Tears well in my eyes. I look at Tom and he is about to cry too.

"Are you alright?" Y/N asks softly.

"Yeah, we'll be fine," Tom says, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"We have to go home for a bit," I say.

"We were summoned home," Tom says.

"Please, please don't follow us," I beg.

"Will you be okay," Y/N asks.

"Maybe but probably not," Tom says. Y/N goes into a drawer and grabs out two bracelets. She hands on to me and one to Tom.

"Wear these. If you need help pressing the charm, it will send an alert to Draco and I with your location," Y/N says.

"Okay, thank you," Tom and I say. We put the bracelets on and change to leave.

"Promise me you'll be careful," Y/N says. She gives us both a hug and when she hugs me my heart beats super fast. I really am falling in love with this girl.

"Promise," I say and hug her back.

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