Chapter Ten: Torture

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TW: Knives, torture


Mattheo Riddle's POV

Tom and I apparate home, well I wouldn't exactly call it home, more like the place I was forced to grow up in. The second Tom and I walk in our wands are snatched, leaving us defenseless. A Death Eater grabs us both by our arms and drags us upstairs. They take us to the torturing room. They lay us down on separate tables. They chain my arms, legs and the rest of my body to the table. The chains are sharp and tight so they stab into my skin. They do the same to Tom. Then they start to use crucio. Tom and I try not to but end up screaming in pain. After about an hour they stop with crucio. They decide to take a break and leave for a few minutes, my guess is they got bored.

"Tom, can you reach your bracelet?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"No but I'm trying," Tom cries.

30 minutes later the Death Eaters come back in with knives. My heart drops knowing what is about to happen. One of the Death Eaters walked towards me with a knife. They carve words into my arms and legs. Then they cut my stomach, not too deep that it is fatal but still bad. I see them doing the same to Tom. We both try hard not to scream from the pain. Then I see Tom's hand hit the bracelet.

Help is coming...

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