Chapter Twelve: The Rescue

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Mattheo Riddle's POV

The Death Eaters tell us they are going to leave for the next two hours. Hopefully Draco and Y/N get her before they get back.

Y/N Lestrange's POV

Draco and I hike through the forbidden forest.

"Why couldn't we just take our brooms?" Draco whines.

"Cause it would be easy to spot us," I say.

"Ugh," Draco groans. We walk for another 20 minutes before we reach Riddle manor.

"Ready?" I ask.

"Ready," Draco says. I kick the door open and we go in.

"Who's there?" Mattheo and Tom yell.

"Mattheo, Tom, where are you?" I yell.

"Y/N?" Mattheo yells.

"Yeah it is me, Draco and I are here to get you two out," I say.

Draco and I go up the stairs and into the first room on the right. We see a sight that brings tears to my eyes. Mattheo and Tom lay chained to tables, and covered in blood. Draco goes over to Tom to help him and I go over to Mattheo.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"No," Mattheo laughs.

"Let's get you out of these chains," I say. Mattheo pulls his hand up to touch me face but the chain stops him and cuts him, he winces. "Episkey," I say and heal his wrist. I manage to get the chains off him. After he realizes the chains are off he moves slightly but stops because of pain.

"Thank you," Mattheo says.

"We've got to get you and Tom to the hospital wing at Hogwarts," I say.

"I got Tom out," Draco says. I pick up Mattheo and Draco picks up Tom. We apparate to the hospital wing and lay Mattheo and Tom on the beds. Over the next few hours Mattheo and Tom are healed up but still have to stay in the hospital wing. Draco and I get the rest of the Slytherin gang.

"Merlin you two are beat up. Are you okay?" Theo asks.

"We're fine. We can get through anything. We're the Slytherin gang," Tom and Mattheo say.

"On three Slytherin gang," Blaise says. We all put our hands in.

"One," Draco, Mattheo and I say.

"Two," Tom, Blaise and Theo say

"Three," Pansy and Enzo say.

"Slytherin gang!" We all shout and throw our hands up. We're braver and more powerful than anyone knows. We're the Slytherin gang we can get through anything. 

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