Chapter Two: The Sorting Ceremony

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Y/N Lestrange's POV

After about 15 minutes we arrived in the great hall. The Slytherin group and I sit at our usual spot. All the tiny first years walk in so nervously. I remember being that tiny walking in. The only difference was I was walking in with bruises and cuts that my mother had given me that morning for not being quick enough. That year the last people to be sorted were Draco and I because to be safe they wanted to have our arms tied together. Draco spent one week like that and I spent two because my parents were more "dangerous". The thing is just because our parents are like that doesn't mean we are too. I mean I never want to be anything like my parents because yet again I am wearing a long sleeve to cover all the bruises and cuts.

"Welcome back to Hogwarts and welcome our new students," Professor Dumbledore said and he began his long speech. Then he introduced the new defense against the dark arts teacher, Professor Lupin. I swear there is a curse on that position, we get a new DADA teacher every year. Finally we got to the sorting ceremony.

"Madeline Jackson," Professor McGonagall called out. The young girl walked up and sat down. Professor McGonagall put the hat on her.

"Hufflepuff," The sorting hat shouted. The Hufflepuff table erupted with cheers. This went on throughout the entire sorting ceremony every time someone was sorted into a house. After about 30 minutes that part finished. We were already ready for the feast when...

"I have one more announcement. We have 2 new students joining third year. Please welcome Tom and Mattheo Riddle," Dumbledore announced. Tom and Mattheo walk up onto the stage.

"Tom Riddle," Professor McGonagall said. One of the boys walked up and sat on the chair.

The hat barely touched his head when it called out, "Slytherin.". Ton started to walk over to the Slytherin table.

"Tom, wait here, we need to do something after you and Mattheo get sorted," Dumbledore says.

"Mattheo Riddle," Professor McGonagall said. The other boy walked up and sat on the seat. The same thing that happened to Tom happened to him.

"Slytherin," The hat called out

"Tom, Mattheo, come over here," Dumbledore says. Tom and Mattheo walk over to Dumbledore.

"What is it, Professor?" Tom asks.

"For safety reasons we are going to have to do this. Fulgari!" Dumbledore exclaimed. Tom and Mattheo's arms were bound in rope. (The spell Fulgari is a spell that ties the arms of the person in rope.)

Mattheo Riddle's POV

Dumbledore used the spell and now my arms are bound from wrist to elbow. I look over at Tom and see his arms bound the same way as mine.

"Why Professor?" Tom asks.

"I am sorry about this," Dumbledore says. "The sorting hat will pick two names, the first will escort Tom, and the second will escort Mattheo," Dumbledore announces.

"Draco Malfoy," the sorting hat calls.

"Draco come up here," Dumbledore demands. A boy with platinum blonde hair walks up on to the stage and stands next to Tom not saying a word.

"Y/N Lestrange," the sorting hat calls out. A beautiful girl walks up onto the stage and stands next to me.

"Hi," She says with a smile, a beautiful smile.

"Hi," I say and smile back.

"You may go sit down now," Dumbledore says. Y/N leads me to where she was sitting before. Tom and Draco are following behind us. I sit down next to Y/N and Tom and Draco sit across from us. I look around a bit and I think Tom and I are the only ones wearing a long sleeve. Being a Riddle means having curses used on you and getting beat horribly. There is a room in our house used just to torture us. I decide to look around one more time and notice Y/N is also wearing a long sleeve.

Y/N Lestrange's POV

"Fulgari," Dumbledore shouted. Then he says something about two people having to help them.

"Draco Malfoy," the sorting hat calls out.

"Draco come up here," Dumbledore demands. Draco heads up to the stage and stands next to Tom.

"Y/N Lestrange," The sorting hat calls out. I get up and walk over to where Matteo is standing. There is no point in staying in my seat when I already know Dumbledore is going to yell at me to come up.

"Hi," I say with a smile.

"Hi," Mattheo says and smiles back. He is cute.

"You may go sit down now," Dumbledore says. I lead Mattheo over to where I was sitting before. I sit down and Mattheo sits down next to me. Tom and Draco sit right across from us. "Let the feast begin!" Dumbledore shouts. Tons of food appear on the table. Everyone starts to grab food. I look over at Mattheo, I know he can't grab anything with those ropes on.

"What do you want to eat?" I ask. Mattheo tells me what he wants and I get it for him. We all start to joke and eat.

Two hours later the feast was over and it was time to head up to the dorms. But before we went Dumbledore called Mattheo and Tom over and the ropes got removed. Dumbledore tells them if they do anything dangerous or bad the ropes will be put back on. Then we all leave. The second through seventh years walked to the dorms. The prefects guided the first years to the dorms pointing out every tiny little detail of the castle to them. When we finally got into the common room there was a poster on the wall saying the dorms. The poster read:

Dorm 1: Pansy Parkinson, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Mia Nott

Dorm 2: Draco Malfoy, Y/N Lestrange, Tom Riddle, Mattheo Riddle

And ect. I am used to sharing a dorm with Draco cause we've been sharing since the first year and most of the time enjoy it. We split off into two groups. Mattheo, Draco, Tom, and I go to our dorm. The dorm was Slytherin colors, had four beds, four desks, and our trunks on the floor. I grabbed my trunk and pushed in under one of the beds, the one I claim as mine.

It was now around 8:00 PM. We all sit on our beds and do our own things. Draco is listening to music, Mattheo is thinking, Tom is reading, and I am writing. Draco takes out his headphones and starts looking for something. He pulls out a card deck.

"Does anyone want to play a card game or truth or dare," Draco asks.

"Let's play truth or dare," Mattheo, Tom, and I say.


A/N: If I wrote a book of images about Mattheo, Draco, and Tom would anyone be interested in reading it?

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