Chapter Four: Nightmares

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Y/N Lestrange's POV

I decide to continue writing my story. I take out my pen and notebook. I read what I have written and then start writing. The room is silent until about 10 minutes later.

"What are you writing?" Tom asks. I jump.

"What the heck Tom," I say.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you," Tom says.

"It's fine. What do you need?" I ask.

"How long does Draco take in there?" Tom asks.

"How long has he been in there?" I ask.

"15 minutes," Tom says.

"He'll be out in 5 minutes. Is that all?" I ask.

"No," Tom says.

"What else?" I ask.

"What happens when someone in here has a nightmare?" Tom asks.

"We help the person. Why?" I ask.

"Mattheo and I have nightmares a lot," Tom says.

"Don't worry about it, Draco and I get nightmares a lot too," I say.

"Okay thanks," Tom says. He walks over to Mattheo and whispers something. I can't hear what they are talking about so I go back to writing. About two minutes later Draco comes out of the bathroom and Mattheo goes in.

"Draco you take forever in the bathroom," Tom says.

"I don't care," Draco says and then they start bickering.

"Will you two shut up," I say.

"No," Draco says. I pick up my pillow and throw it a t Draco hitting him in the head.

"I don't get why the sorting hat put you two together," I say. Draco throws the pillow back at me and I catch it. Mattheo then comes out of the bathroom and Tom goes in.

"Did anything happen while I wasn't here?" Mattheo asks.

"She threw a pillow at my head," Draco whines and points at me.

"Yeah cause you and Tom wouldn't shut up," I say.

"You know what that actually sounds funny," Mattheo says.

"Cause it was," I say and Mattheo and I laugh for a bit.

"Hey, it was not funny," Draco shouts. Tom comes out a few minutes later.

"Is everyone ready for bed?" Tom asks.

"Yep," Mattheo, Draco, and I say. Tom turns the lights off. I take my books, notebook, and pen off my bed. I snuggle down into my bed and drift off into sleep.

I wake up to the sound of screaming. I sit up and see the lights on. Tom and Draco are also sitting up in their beds. Tom sighs and gets out of bed.

"Mattheo wake up," Tom says in a soft voice. Mattheo jolts awake sweating and crying. "Hey it's okay," Tom whispers.

"Nightmares again," Mattheo says, his voice hoarse from screaming.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Tom asks.

"No. Sorry I woke you all up," Mattheo says.

"Don't worry about it, nightmares happen," Draco says.

"We get nightmares because we've been tortured or a death eater implants it in our minds," Tom says.

"Oh," Draco says. "Is everyone ready to go back to bed," He asks.

"Sure," Tom says and climbs back into his own bed. They turn the lights off and go back to bed. I am worried my mother communicates with other death eaters and knows how to give me nightmares. I am scared she will do it tonight. I do need sleep though so I'll try. I lay in bed and go to sleep

Mattheo Riddle's POV

Everyone has fallen back asleep except me. On the nights I have nightmares I usually don't fall back to sleep. I just lay there and think of ways to escape. After about 30 minutes I hear whimpering. I look over at Tom and Draco but nothing from them. I look over at Y/N and she is tossing and turning. I get out of bed and walk over to her. I tap on her shoulder and she jumps awake with tears streaming down her face.

"Come with me," I whisper. I lead her to the bathroom. I close the door and turn the light on. "Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yes," She says. I just give her a hug. To my surprise she hugs me back. We stay this way for about 5 minutes.

Y/N Lestrange's POV

Mattheo and I hug for about 5 minutes and then I let go.

"I am sorry for waking you up," I say.

"I was still awake, it is fine," Mattheo says.

"Are you going back to sleep?" I ask.

"No, do you want to do something?" Mattheo asks.

"Sure," I say.

"How about I grab Draco's card game and we play," Mattheo suggests.

"That sounds fun," I say. Mattheo leaves the bathroom and comes back with the card game.

"I think it is Go Fish," Mattheo says.

"A muggle game? Where would have he gotten it from?" I question.

"No idea. Let's just play," Mattheo says. So we play. We read the instructions, learn how to play, and play until the alarms on the other side of the door go off. So we played for three hours. We both leave the bathroom and see Tom and Draco getting up.

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