Chapter Eight: Hanging Out

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Y/N Lestrange's POV

"What do you guys want to do?" Mattheo asks.

"Read," Tom says.

"Of course you do. Anyone else?" Mattheo asks.

"Sleep," Draco says.

"I agree with Draco," I say.

"Ugh, you guys are boring," Theo says.

"Well, do you have an idea on what we should do?" I ask.

"No," Theo says.

"Exactly, so keep your mouth shut," I say.

"We should play, kiss our crushes," Pansy says looking over at Draco winking and smiling.

"NO!!!" everyone except Pansy shouts.

"At this rate I think we should just sleep," Draco says.

"Agreed," I say.

"Fine since none of us can come up with a good idea," Mattheo says.

"I still think we should read," Tom says.

"Tom, we do not want to read right now," Mattheo says.

"Why not?" Tom asks.

"Because we are sitting in a friend group," Mattheo says

"So what does that have to do with us not reading?" Tom asks.

"Reading is not a thing you do when you hang out with your friend group. Merlin, Tom, you think that all that reading would allow you to know some social knowledge," I say.

"I only read non-fiction," Tom says

"Well maybe you should get a non-fiction book on how to be in a friend group," I say. Tom throws a book at my head. Mattheo jumps in front of me and catches the book.

"Tom, don't throw books at people," Mattheo says.

"Fine, come on let's just go to bed," Tom says, his head down with disappointment that the book didn't hit me. We all walk to our dorms.

"Why do we have to go to bed, it is only 10PM and we don't have school tomorrow?" Mattheo whines.

"Cause we're tired," Draco says. We do the same routine as the previous night and then go to bed.

Lights out.

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