Chapter Six: Bullies

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Y/N Lestrange's POV

We start to walk to the great hall which is a very, very long walk. As we walk I hear people snickering

"You know who's children so scary," Maya, a Ravenclaw, says, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"You weaklings shouldn't even be allowed at this school," Tony, a Gryffindor shouts. Mattheo and Tom put their heads down in shame.

"That's right you're not just a disgrace to this school, you're a disgrace to Slytherin as well," Karen, a Slytherin shouts.

"Just ignore them," Draco says to us. He grabs my hand to make sure I don't go attack them cause I was about to.

"Look at little daddy issues boy trying to help," Neil, a Slytherin laughs. Draco puts his head down. I am furious. I am about to attack them when Draco grabs my shoulder.

"No," He whispers.

"Can we just run to the great hall?" I ask.

"Sure," Draco says. We all take off running and make it to the great hall out of breath. We walk over and take a seat with the group.

"Wow, you're all out of breath," Theodore says.

"Thank you, captain obvious," I say.

"What happened?" Mia asks.

"We ran all the way here to get away from people teasing us," Draco says.

"Oh, okay, well let's eat," Blaise says. We all get food and start eating.

"I don't think we've had a formal introduction.I'm Pansy Parkinson," Pansy says to Mattheo and Tom.

"Blaise Zabini," Blaise says.

"Mia Nott," Mia says.

"Theodore Nott but you can call me Theo," Theo says.

"Nice to meet you," Tom says. Tom and Mattheo give each other a weird look but I don't think much of it and just keep eating.We all just sit there in silence which is weird cause we are usually the loudest group but I just go with it.

Mattheo Riddle's POV

Tom looks at me and I know exactly what he is thinking. One because I was thinking it too. Two, we can read minds, one of the few good things we inherited from our father. What we are thinking is everyone here is a future death eater just like us.

"We have to get to our next class before we are late," Draco says.

"Which class?" I ask.

"Potions," Draco says.

"That means if we are even a second late we will have another detention," Y/N says. She is so pretty. Snap out of it Mattheo. You are a Riddle, you can't be in love. Remember anyone you love will be killed or tortured by your father.

"Let's go," Theo says.

"We're going to have to run to make it on time," Mia says.

"Okay let's go," Pansy says. We all start running and make it just in time. We all take our seats and class begins. After class finishes at 4PM. We all head to our dorms. After 2 and a half hours of talking we get ready for detention.

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