Chapter 5

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Enid was still baffled as to why Wednesday had followed her on Instagram. She had stared at the notification for a good while, feeling a mix of excitement and confusion. Part of her wanted to message Wednesday right away, but another part of her felt hesitant, unsure of what to say.

With a heavy sigh, Enid decided to put her phone away for now. She pushed open the front door of her house and stepped inside.

The familiar smell of her mother's cooking filled the air, instantly making her feel at home. As she entered, she was greeted by the sight of her mother and her two brothers, Caius and Xander, gathered around the dinner table.

"Hey, Enid!" Caius called out, his mouth half-full of food. He was the younger of her two brothers, with a head full of curly blonde hair and a mischievous smile that never seemed to leave his face.

Xander, her older brother, glanced up from his plate and nodded in greeting.
He was more reserved than Caius, with a serious demeanor and sharp features that gave him an air of authority despite his youth.

"Hi, guys," Enid replied, trying to mask the swirl of emotions she was feeling. She hung her coat on the rack by the door and made her way to the kitchen to wash her hands.

As she stood at the sink, the events of the day played over in her mind. She couldn't shake the feeling of surprise and curiosity about Wednesday's unexpected social media gesture. What did it mean? Why now?

Returning to the dining room, Enid took her usual seat at the table and began to serve herself. Her mother's lasagna, a family favorite, was steaming invitingly on her plate.

She could feel her brothers' eyes on her, waiting for her to join the conversation.

"Everything okay, Enid?" Xander asked, his perceptive gaze catching the slight furrow in her brow.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she said, forcing a smile. "Just a lot on my mind."

"Work stuff?" Caius asked, shoveling another forkful of lasagna into his mouth.

"Something like that," Enid replied, her thoughts drifting back to Wednesday once more.

Her mother reached over and gave her hand a comforting squeeze.

"You know you can talk to us about anything, right?"

"I know, Mom. Thanks," Enid said, feeling a bit better.

As they finished their meal, Enid helped her mother clear the table and put away the leftovers. Once the kitchen was tidy, Enid excused herself and made her way to her room.

She closed the door behind her and leaned against it for a moment, letting out a deep breath. She slipped her phone out of her pocket and glanced at the screen and saw the notification once again.

A soft smile spread across her face. It was such a small gesture, yet it meant so much to her. Wednesday wasn't the type to engage in social media frivolously, which made it feel significant.

Enid's thoughts raced as she wondered what had prompted Wednesday to make this move.

Was it a sign of friendship? Or perhaps something more?

Enid sat down on her bed, her back resting against the headboard. She scrolled through Wednesday's profile, marveling at the dark and artistic photos that perfectly captured Wednesday's unique personality. The more she looked, the more she felt a connection growing, even if it was just through a screen.

She debated sending a message, her fingers hovering over the keyboard. What could she say that wouldn't come off as too eager or awkward?

After a few moments of indecision, she decided to wait. She didn't want to rush things and risk making a fool of herself. Instead, she chose to let the moment sink in, savoring the happiness it brought her.

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