[S] Coitus with Coitus

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You get to smash my horny troll guy, Coitus.

You, a thief on the lookout for snatchables, found a nice little hideaway inside a greened up cave where there were some pretty rocks calling to you from up on the wall. As you meandered over to em, you heard loud snoring. It made the ground shake, and you very nervous because what could be big enough on this earth to snore so loud? A troll, that's what! You peeked through the vines to see it sleeping on its back in the center of the cave, right beneath where you needed to get to. You scratched your chin, wondering how to do this without being eaten. You had some experience with rock climbing, but you didn't want to risk knocking rocks down and waking up the troll. You grabbed the vines and felt they were pretty sturdy, so you found a stick and made your own grappel hook. You found a place to throw it where it would stay and gave it a good tug to make sure before going up. Halfway there, you heard the troll snort a few times and stopped moving. You hoped your rain-soaked cloak would hide your human scent well enough. When it went back to snoring you continued. You got to the top and grabbed the rocks, taking some time to admire how shiny they were before pocketing them. And then, SNAP! You turned around and a giant hand yanked you off the ledge. And then you were eye level with the troll who blew smoke out its nose in visible disdain. It used the claw of its thumb to take your hood off and chuckled.

"And I thought you were some bloke."

His robe shifted with his posture and fell over his leg, exposing the absolute monster cock he had. It had to be about two feet long. Just looking at it made your insides twist.

"And *I* thought you were asleep.." you said, eyes peeling away from it.

"I was, until you came skittering in like an insect, stealing my stuff."

"I don't see your name on anything!" you smarted.

He squeezed you and you choked on your words.

"My cave, my treasure."

He tossed you up and pinched you by your collar, taking the bag you had full of the stolen rocks.


"I was gonna eat you. But I have a better idea.."

He laughed ominously, and pinned you to the ground with his hand. You tried getting out from under it but to no avail.

"What are you going to do to me..?" you said, beginning to get scared.

"You stole from me. You need to be punished."

You gasped as he dragged his claw down your chest to your legs, tearing your clothes. You squirmed, only amusing him more. He grabbed his cock and brought it forward for you to see. It was so heavy it fell over his hand, but you could tell it was hard from the way it throbbed, and that he was aching to shove it somewhere wet and dark.

"You could at least prep me first, asshole..!" you said, trying not to show any cowardice.

Maybe you shouldn't have said anything. He got down with his tongue and licked, slow and rough, over your pussy. The texture of his tongue was like sandpaper, but hot. The tip of it went inside you and dug into your cervix. You felt every part of it and seized up, shouting. A thick trail of his saliva came out with it when he pulled back. The exit felt so good that you moaned from it. You realized you liked being full, then of course without warning, he shoved his cock in you. Just the tip had stretched you rather wide, and as for the rest of his length, even wider. He didn't stop after the first ten inches preceded your capacity. He was determined to get it all in, and at your expense. It was very painful but pleasure would flutter in to pacify you when you felt like you couldn't take it. He seemed as desperate as you in the moment, deep as he could be in your insides without flat-out killing you. You could feel his pulse against your walls, what of his cock was still outside of you taunt with fiery blood rushing through the veins. He beat his tail against the ground and huffed, shaking his head as more smoke came from his nose, all his dangly golden jewelry chiming in the background. He groaned in satisfaction as you suffered beneath him, taking his cock close to all the way out, pulling your clit with it, before going back in. He filled you up with his seed repeatedly, every bit you wasted adding to your punishment. You didn't know how long this would last, but based on the sweat beginning to trickle down his stomach onto his coily wild bush, it'd been a few hours already. The pain had subsided but you were incredibly sore and tired. He finally pulled out for good, a devilish grin plastered across his face as his hair dripped with sweat. Before you had a chance to realize you were still alive, he turned you over and fucked you in the ass. That hole, he was able to shove his entire cock in, and rearrange your guts for real. You cried out as he rammed you, spurting over and over until you cried for him to stop. But he wouldn't until he'd milked himself dry, which took another few debilitating hours. You had no clue how you were still coherent by the end of it all. You fell over, leaking profusely with his steaming hot cum from both holes. He sat back and his cock fell over his leg, flaccid for the next five minutes.

"Next time you steal from me, remember my dick in your spine!" he laughed.

You hung up being a thief after that, lol.


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