"I'm so in love with you"

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Beca had been picked to perform for Dj Khaled. Of course she had. She was the most talented person Chloe knew. Actually, she was the most talented person any of the Bella's knew.

Beca was getting ready back stage and couldn't help but be absolutely terrified. She always performed with the Bella's, but never alone. They acted like a safe wall on the stage that would protect her from the audience. This, however would be just her. Plus, she had a life changing confession to make that night.

She slipped on her top on right as she heard a small knock on the door.

"Come in!" She yelled, sitting down on the bench in the fitting room.

"Hey Becs!" Chloe said cheerfully, taking a seat next to her best friend.

"Hey Chlo, what are you doing in here?" Beca asked.

"I just wanted to check in on you." She said sincerely, "You have to be nervous."

"..I" She stuttered, "I'm terrified Chloe." She looked into Chloe's bright blue eyes, "I've never been more scared in my life."

"Oh, Beca." Chloe said, pulling her in for a quick hug, "Don't be scared. You're going to be aca-awesome." She smiled, making Beca laugh.

"You're such a dork." She smirked, still looking at Chloe's smiling face.

"You tell me often." She says back, "Okay well, I better get back to my seat. Just remember, I'm always your number one fan." Chloe said, standing up and giving Beca another hug, this one lasting a little longer.

"Thank you, Chlo. I'll be looking for you." Beca said, letting go of her friend.

"Trust me," Chloe opens the door, "I won't be hard to find."

And with that, the door closed and Beca was left in silence again.

As she continued to get ready, she couldn't stop thinking about Chloe. Little did the ginger know, but she was the main reason she was nervous. She was going to tell her about her feelings that night.

Chloe was the most perfect human Beca had ever seen. She was always so patient and sweet with Beca and the brunette was whipped for her. She just wished she could fall asleep every night, cuddled up into her chest and kiss her as much as she wanted to. She needed to tell Chloe this. Before it was too late. So, that was her plan. Confess everything to Chloe.

Back at her seat, Chloe sat back down between Aubrey and Emily.

"Where'd you go for so long?" Emily asked her.

"Just to say hi to Beca. She's nervous as hell I can tell." She said, earning a sympathetic frown from Emily.

"Why is she so nervous? She's performed like a million times." Aubrey, turning to Chloe and Emily.

"Maybe because it's such a big performance. I don't know, but she seemed like she was lost in her head. She's probably just doesn't want to disappoint." Chloe said.

"Ever think it's not just the performance she's afraid of?" Aubrey asked, earning a confused look from Chloe.

"Why?" Chloe asked.

"Chloe, you're so oblivious." Aubrey sighed, "She loves you." She finished, immediately followed by Dj Khaled beginning to speak.

The whole speech was a blur in the back of Chloe's mind. Beca loved her? Why didn't she ever tell her? She needed to tell her she loved her back. Before it's too late.

"Beca Mitchell." He called up, the crowd roaring as the 5'2" girl walked up to the center of the stage and grabbed the microphone.

Beca took a deep breath, scanning the crowd and immediately locking eyes with the beautiful ginger she had fallen for. Giving a small smile, she began to sing.

A little ways through the song, she decided she didn't want to be alone on stage anymore. All these girls deserved to be up here for her last performance. She pulled them all up onto the stage where they began to sing along and dance with her.

The last few lines of the song, Beca locked eyes with a teary eyed Chloe.

"I won't let you down." Beca sang to her, "I will not give you up. It's the one good thing that i've got." She ended, eyes leaving Chloe's for just a moment to scan over the applauding crowd

'Now or never Beca.' She told herself, turning around and immediately finding Chloe already running towards her.

Beca met her half way, grabbing her face and pulling her in for a passionate kiss, releasing all of their built up emotions.

All the Bella's watched the couple, finally letting each other know how they really feel after 7 years.

"I'm so in love with you." Beca said after they pulled back, "I should have told you sooner. But Chloe, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want you to be the first thing I wake up to and the last thing I see before I shut my eyes at night. Chloe, I love you." Beca said sincerely, tears forming in her eyes as she looked into Chloe's ocean blue ones.

"Beca I can't believe this is finally happening." Chloe began, "I've wanted you for so long, I just never had the courage to tell you. I love you so much." She said, smiling at Beca before she was pulled into another kiss.

"BLOE!!" Amy yelled, breaking the two apart from their kiss as the Bella's all exited the stage, Beca and Chloe hand in hand and happier than ever to finally have each other.

This is my last day before vacation and I still have 5 more stories to knock out today. Wish me luck! I hope everyone enjoyed. :)

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