"I know it hurts, baby"

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The last week had been awful and exhausting for Beca. It was the week before worlds, so the Bellas had to work overtime all week. She had gotten a call Monday morning saying her mother was in the hospital due to a car accident. The next day, her boss told her she wasn't cut out enough to be a music producer and she needed to work extra hard if she wanted to succeed. Two days later, she got the devastating call that her mother passed.

The whole week, Chloe had been right by her side. She covered for her when she was in the hospital with her mom or on a long phone call with her boss, making sure the other Bella's didn't get suspicious. Her girlfriend was the only one Beca told this new information to, due to the fact she wasn't ready to let everyone know yet. Chloe comforted her when she needed, but she hadn't had time to process any emotions yet. She hadn't yet broken down and tried her hardest to bury her emotions deep in the back of her head.

Chloe kept a watchful eye on her girlfriend the whole week. She could always tell Beca's smiles were fake and her jokes weren't as sarcastic as usual. Her heart broke when her girl would lock herself in her room the whole afternoon, working so hard with work and the Bella's and not having time to grieve the loss of her mom.

Friday after rehearsals, Beca sat on her bed and rubbed her temples while she felt the weight of the world crashing down on her. She was so stressed about work and now she had to work on planning funeral arrangements.

As she was struggling in her head, Chloe walked in the room. Chloe looked over to see her girlfriend, hunched over with a pale face. Her heart broke, seeing the girl she loved so much going through so much pain.

"Hey." Chloe said softly, closing the door behind her. Beca barely acknowledged her presence, giving her a small nod. Chloe walked over and sat next to Beca on the bed, placing a gentle hand on her back. "You okay?"

With that, Beca let out a deep, shaky sigh. "I don't know Chlo. Everything's just too much right now."

Chloe's heart ached, hearing Beca so vulnerable and she could almost physically feel pain for her girl. Her eyes met Beca's watery ones that were on the verge of spilling tears. When she opened her arms, the dam broke.

Beca collapsed into Chloe's arms, clinging onto her like a lifeline and sobbing into her shoulder. Chloe felt a few tears of her own slip from her eyes as she held onto the smaller brunette.

"I know it hurts, baby." she soothes, her tears sliding down her face. "You're carrying so much on your shoulders right now, but I promise it will get better."

She rocked Beca side to side slowly while she whispered soothing words into her ear until the sobs died down to small whimpers.

"I c-can't anymore Chloe." Beca cried out softly, lifting her head to look into Chloe's eyes. "I'm done."

"No, you're not." Chloe whispered, "I've got you. You aren't alone and I'm with you every step of the way."

After a few more minutes of embracing, Beca finally began to calm down and Chloe moved the two to rest on Beca's bed. The older girl leaned against the headboard while letting Beca rest her head in her lap. Her fingers immediately began to stroke through the soft, brown locks of hair.

Chloe watched Beca carefully. She studied her expression for a few minutes, noticing her mind racing through her head. "Mind telling me what's going on up there?" she said, tapping on her forehead lightly.

"It's just-" she began, letting out a shaky sigh before continuing, "I'm so scared. I could loose my job any day now if I don't work hard enough. But the Bella's also need me more than ever now and I haven't even been able to focus during rehearsals this week. And on top of that, I need to start planning mom's funeral but I haven't even had the time to process her death yet." she whimpered out, looking up at Chloe as if asking for her to take her pain away.

Chloe looked down at her girlfriend with a small, sad smile while still stroking her hair. "Beca, you don't even know how strong you are being. Your mother passed and you're still going to work ten hours a day and going to rehearsals for three. You are doing all you can right now and I'm so proud of you. And it's okay to feel sad and break down like this. Because that's part of dealing with stress and emotions. And you should always know that I'm right here to pick you back up when things get bad." Chloe soothed, her eyes never leaving Beca's the whole time she spoke.

"I love you, Chlo." Beca said, a teary smile on her lips.

"I love you too, Becs." she said before leaning down and pressing a soft, emotional kiss on Beca's lips.

From that point forward, Beca knew Chloe was in it for life.

Sorry this one kind of sucks. I didn't really know what to write. Still, I hope you enjoyed :)

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