"Are you okay?"

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The Bella's were back stage, waiting for their name to be called and for them to take the stage. They were at the Worlds in Copenhagen. This was the performance that would either make or break the Bella's. All of the Bella's knew this.

The atmosphere was tense yet exciting. All of the girls watched from back stage as team after team performed their amazing sets they must have worked for months on to perfect. It was getting closer and closer to their performance, only three groups ahead of them when Chloe looked over to see her best friend leaning against the wall backstage, fidgeting with her fingers. Knowing this was one of Beca's nervous habits, she made her way past the group of chatting Bella's to her best friend.

"Are you okay?" Chloe asked her, causing Beca to meet her eyes for a second before diverting them to the ground.

"Yeah, just performance anxiety." Beca mumbled, still not meeting Chloe's gaze.

"Beca, I know you better than anyone else in the world. I know you don't get performance anxiety." she said, grabbing Beca's chin and lifting it so they were making eye contact, "Please Beca, tell me what's really bothering you."

Beca hesitated for a few moments, debating in her head what she should say. "I-I'm scared Chloe. I'm scared for the future of the Bella's. I'm scared about my future. I don't know what i'm doing after college and most importantly.." she rambled on, waving her hands around frantically while pacing the stage before pausing on her last statement.

"Beca, breathe." Chloe said, grabbing ahold of her shoulders to calm her down. "And most importantly what?"

"I-" she started, Chloe noticing she was clearly having a mental battle with herself, "I don't know what i'm going to do when I don't have you in my life every day." she said quietly, gaze not meeting Chloe's as she looked back down at her fidgeting hands.

"Beca, for starters, your future is brighter than anyone else's i've ever met. You're so talented at creating music and writing songs that I don't believe you can possibly have more talent." she said sincerely, cupping Beca's cheek so their eyes met once again, "You don't need to worry about the future of the Bella's. Our performance is going to be better than anyone else's. I think we have a chance at this. You just need to trust yourself. Trust the group. Trust me." she whispered the last part tenderly, stroking Beca's cheek with her thumb. "And lastly, no matter what we end up doing, I will never leave your side. Because Beca, I don't think I could handle not being around you either. I'm serious when I say, I wouldn't want to spend my life with anybody else."

"So.. what are you saying?" Beca asked, slightly confused as to what Chloe was implying.

"I'm saying I love you Beca. I always have loved you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Go on adventures together, take walks on the beach together. I want to wake up next to you in the mornings and be the one to drag you out of bed because I know you hate mornings. I want to be the one to annoy you and make you wish you never met me sometimes, Beca, I want to be with you." Chloe finally stopped, looking into Beca's eyes which were slightly glossed over with tears, mirroring her own.

"Chloe, I've only dreamed about hearing those words come out of your mouth." Beca said, cupping Chloe's face in her hand. "And I can't believe i'm finally saying this but I love you so much Chlo. More than you could ever know. And just know, that I would do anything to spend the rest of my life with you."

By the end of Beca's speech, the two were holding each other close, staring into each others glossy eyes, and smiling their biggest smiles.

"Okay lovebirds, they called our name!" Amy shouted, making the two girls jump apart and scramble towards the stage. They exchanged loving glances and a quick hand squeeze before getting in their positions.

The Bella's began their set and performed their hearts out. They sang and danced with all they had in them and had everyone going wild.

As the song wrapped up and the lights went off, the crowd erupted into cheers and hollers so loud you would think it was a famous concert. Beca had a wide smile on her face, knowing they had just pulled through and saved the Bella's.

As soon as the lights turned on, Beca ran over to Chloe. She grabbed the back of her neck with no hesitation and pulled her in for a soft, passionate kiss. Fireworks exploded between the two as they finally were meeting each others lips after so long. Beca faintly heard the crowd begin to cheer even louder because of her actions, but she drowned it out. At the moment, Chloe was the only thing in her world.

Chloe was her world.

Later that night after receiving their first place trophy, the Bella's partied it up for a while before heading back to their hotel rooms. Beca was changing her clothes when she heard a soft knock at her door.

"Come in!" she yelled after putting her shirt on.

"Hey Becs!" Chloe said excitedly, sitting down on the girls bed next to Beca.

"Hey Chlo." Beca said, looking lovingly into the gingers sparkling eyes.

"What's that look on your face?" Chloe asked, smiling at the love struck brunette.

"What look? This is just my normal face." Beca joked back, scooting closer to Chloe.

"Yeah, and I'm a 6 foot tall blonde." Chloe said, making the two giggle. "Really though, what's the look for."

"I'm just-" she started, taking a small pause, "I'm so in love with you Chloe."

"I'm so in love with you too Beca." Chloe whispered, lacing her fingers with Beca's.

"Chloe, will you be my girlfriend?" Beca asked cautiously, waiting for a response.

"There's no one else i'd rather call my girlfriend than you, Beca Mitchell." Chloe said with a smile, leaning in for a passionate kiss.

"Now, is my girl going to sleep in here with me tonight her?" Beca asked after they broke away.

Chloe's heart melted when Beca referred to her as her girl. "Of course she is. I think my girl owes me some cuddles and a few kisses tonight."

"What for?" Beca laughed, pulling back the covers as her and Chloe got underneath them.

"I don't know, I just want it." Chloe said, snuggling up to Beca as close as she possible could and kissed her cheek.

"Well then, my girl can have all of the kisses and cuddles she wants. Tonight, and for the rest of her life."

I kinda like how this one turned out. I hope you guys enjoyed it and let me know what I should try for future prompts :)

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