015 One is Back, Two are Gone

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Three of Swords 
Part 1  

I walk into school, I am wearing a red and navy oversized jumper and jeans. As I walk in I see Darren and Quinni talking to Malakai! I turn towards them and jump giving Malakai a hug. 

"You're back!" I say excitedly and he hugs me back laughing. 

"Yes, yes I'm back," he says laughing when I let go of him I turn to see Amerie and Harper walking into school together? and holding hands? are they friends again? 

"So you're back?" Amerie says coming over to us. 

"Yep," he answers plainly. "Lots happened by the looks of it," He says looking at Harper and Amerie. 

"Can't believe Dusty is here after what he did and, that Ant and Spider are still friends with him," Quinni says looking at the three boys, I nod.  

"Yea I don't know I asked them and my brother said and I quote 'we have been bros forever we can't just not be friends' so I don't even know anymore," I say mimicking my brother's voice and looking at them. 

"So Dusty barely gets community service, yet we're all probably gunna get suspended," Darren says. 

"We did wee in her plant pot and recycling bin," Quinni says. 

"There's a lot worse waiting for her in her filing cabinet," Darren answers. "You two are gunna be the only ones in SLTs not getting shat on for our little protest," Darren adds pointing to Malakai and Harper. 

"I can't believe you guys weren't there,"I say. 

"Gutted I missed out to be honset," Malakai says sarcastically. 

"You should be it was actually really fun," I say turning slightly and looking at Ant. Malakai nudges me raising his eyebrows slightly and I smile. 

"Umm, so i guess I'm sorry or whatever," Darren says to Harper who chuckles. I walk away from the group and towards Ant and give him a hug. 

"Hey, cutie," I say smiling. 

"Hey Angel," He asks walking away from Dusty and Spider.  

"Yo, Where you going?" Spider asks eyeing us suspiciously. 

"Uh, she is showing me her Art piece, I suggested this thing for her to do so she wants to show me," Ant lies. 

"Oh yea right okay, see you later. We have SLTs first up by the way," Spider says still eyeing us, we nod and walk away. 

"Woah we have a pro liar here," I say hitting his shoulder and he just laughs. 

"So, how was your morning?" Ant asks, as we walk through the school. 

"Ant," I say and he looks at me. "I saw you like not even ten minutes ago, I drove you to school," I say giggling. 

"Okay, but a lot can happen in ten minutes," Ant says shrugging. 

"Yeah really? like what?" I ask teasingly as he pulls me into the old stairwell. 

"Well this could happen," He says as he picks me up and places me on the table. He starts kissing me and pushing me against the table, making me giggle as he grabs my thighs. 


Ant and I walk in kinda late after what had happened in the stairwell it taking more than ten minutes and more like twenty-five but you know. We sit in the back row. He slings his arm around me, I turn and see Cash with his head on his arms looking upset. I furrow my brows worried for him. Woodsy clears her throat turning my attention to her instead. I watch her stammer looking the right words. 

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