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Jennifer: "Nerissa, you won't believe it! Sam proposed to me yesterday, and I said yes!"

Nerissa: "Wait, Sam proposed? Isn't he the one who always forgets your birthday? Girl, he must've hit his head or something!"

[Later, Nerissa excitedly shares the news with everyone.]

Nerissa: "Guess what, everyone? Jennifer's getting married! Sam finally proposed, despite his forgetfulness! Maybe he's hoping marriage will come with a built-in reminder system!"ohh yeahhhh,

[Laughter erupts among Jennifer and her best friends as they realize the humor in the situation.]

Sam: ahm,so now none of u can call me single...

[Scene: A cozy living room, friends gathered around with excitement in the air. Sam and Jennifer sit together, holding hands, while the others chat animatedly.]

Nerissa: So, Jennifer, have you decided on the color scheme yet?

Jennifer: Well, I was thinking of pastels for the bridesmaids' dresses, maybe lavender and mint?

Kella: Oh, that sounds lovely! And what about the flowers?

Jennifer: I was thinking of incorporating lots of peonies and roses, something romantic.

Aerial: Speaking of romance, have you guys decided on your first dance song?

Sam: Not yet, we're torn between a classic like "At Last" or something more modern.

Edward: Both options sound great! Hey, Sam, have you sorted out your groomsmen yet?

Sam: Yeah, I think I'll have Louis, John, and David stand with me. What do you guys think?

Louis: Honored to be by your side, buddy!

John: Same here, can't wait for the big day.

David: Absolutely, it's going to be epic!

Alex: And what about the venue? Have you settled on one?

Jennifer: We're leaning towards that charming garden venue we visited last month.

Herissa: Oh, that place was magical! Perfect for a summer wedding.

Sam: Yeah, we loved it too. It's settled then, garden wedding it is!

[The friends cheer and raise their glasses in celebration.]

Jennifer:hey YK we can't even make a decision without the 3 trouble makers, they'll stop our wedding bro

Everyone laughs*

Nerissa: someone leave a message on the group about the surprise, don't tell them about the wedding,just to come over

Alex: ok done 👍🏻


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