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Louis, spoke up first. "You know, it's been a while since we took the younger ones out for a proper camping trip or even a walk. They've been cooped up inside for too long."

David nodded in agreement, "You're right, Louis. They need some fresh air and a change of scenery. It would do them a lot of good."

John, "We could plan a nice walk after dinner. Maybe even take the caravan for a bit of an adventure. It doesn't have to be anything elaborate, just some quality time outside."

Jennifer, smiled. "That sounds perfect. I think they would love it. A simple walk can make such a difference."

Nerissa, "Then it's settled. After dinner, we'll take everyone for a walk outside and explore the huge jungle.We can even bring the caravan for a bit of a drive. It'll be fun."


*Jennifer and nerissa went upstairs at 3 rangers room*

Nerissa turned to her with a warm smile. "We were just discussing how you all could use some fresh air. So, after dinner, we're going for a walk outside. And we're taking the caravan for a little drive. How does that sound?"

Excited murmurs filled the room as the younger ones expressed their enthusiasm.

{3 ranger jumping}

Sarah, with a glint of mischief in her eyes, said, "That sounds awesome!!!, let me bring my makeupppp

Zara nodded eagerly. "Yeah, it'll be great to stretch our legs,and get some fresh air ha!"

Ariel, smiled softly. "I can't wait. It'll be so nice to enjoy the evening outside."

"Alright, everyone! Get your jackets and meet us outside by the caravan in five minutes. Let's enjoy the night air together."Jennifer announced

They quickly gathered their things and headed outside, the excitement palpable. They piled into the caravan, everyone ones buzzing with energy.


Everyone was now in the bus when Sara screamed, "Aaaaa, I forgot to take my lipstick!" Zara exclaimed, "Ooo, and I left my shoes." Daena added, "Shit shit, I forgot to take my packet of chips." Jennifer, frustrated, said, "You three idiots, sit and keep quiet, nobody is going." Nerissa asked, "Who will drive?" "Charles," replied Sara. Charles started to drive.

After 10 minutes, Sara went to the driver's seat and asked, "Where are weee?" Charles, annoyed, responded, "Can't you see? If we had any stop, I would have stopped the car, right?" Sara, still insistent, said, "I'm asking you so sweetly and you're! Huhh?" Charles retorted, "Pick meee." Sara replied, "I'm nottt." Everyone soon fell asleep except for three rangers who were still awake.

Zara remarked, "Such a pretty place." Sara agreed, "Yes, it is dude." Daena suggested, "Should we go out, huh?" Sara hesitated, "But Jennifer and Nerissa are here." Zara added, "And David and Louis too." Daena persisted, "Yes, I know, but we can go out silently."


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