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The same way I do:)


Over and over🌸


In the morning

Ariel, standing in the front yard of their house,it was raining continuously,She loved dancing, As the rain began to fall more steadily, she twirled and laughed, her joy infectious.

Meanwhile, at the office, Edward was preparing for an important meeting when Louis approached him with a concerned expression.

"Edward," Louis said, "I need you to do me a favor. I forgot an important file at home, and we need it for the meeting in an hour. Can you go back and get it?"

Edward sighed, "Of course, Louis. I'll be back as soon as I can."

Driving back home, Edward couldn't help but think about Ariel. As he walked up the driveway, he saw Ariel dancing in the rain, her happiness lighting up the otherwise gloomy day. He paused, captivated by the sight of her.

"Ariel!" he called out, a smile spreading across his face.

Ariel turned, her eyes sparkling. "Edward, come with me and dance!" she called back, extending her hand toward him.

Without hesitation, Edward dropped his urgency to get the file and joined her in the rain. They danced together, laughing and spinning, their clothes and hair quickly getting soaked. The world around them seemed to disappear as they enjoyed the spontaneous moment.

"Edward, what are you doing here?" Ariel asked between laughs.

Edward chuckled. "I forgot an important file for a meeting. But I’m glad I did because I got to see you like this."

After a while, as they slowed down, Edward looked deeply into Ariel’s eyes, his heart pounding. He knew this was the perfect moment. "Ariel," he said softly, taking her hands in his, "I have something I need to tell you."

Ariel, sensing the seriousness in his tone, stopped dancing and looked up at him, rain dripping from her hair. "What is it, Edward?"

Edward took a deep breath. "I love you, Ariel. I've loved you for so long. Will you marry me?"

Ariel’s heart leaped with joy. Tears mingled with the rain on her cheeks as she smiled widely. "Yes, Edward! I love you too. I would love to marry you."

They shared a deep, heartfelt kiss, sealing their promise under the falling rain. Little did they know, Daena, Zara, and Sarah had been watching from a distance. They quickly snapped a picture of the beautiful moment, grinning at each other.

Realizing he still needed to retrieve the file, Edward quickly ran inside, grabbed it, and hurried back to the office, his heart lighter than ever.


That evening, Everyone gathered around the dinner table, the aroma of delicious food filling the air. Daena, unable to keep the secret any longer, pulled out her phone and showed everyone the picture of Ariel and Edward’s kiss.

"Look at this!" Daena exclaimed, holding up her phone.

Louis, eyes widening as he glanced at the image, turned to Edward and exclaimed, "So that's why you came to the office so late when I asked you to bring the file!"

Laughter and teasing filled the room. Nerissa, raised her voice above the chatter. "Oh, Ariel and Edward! This is wonderful news! Could Jennifer and Sam, and Ariel and Edward have their weddings at the same time?"

Jennifer, sitting next to Sam, exchanged a loving look with him. They both smiled and nodded in agreement.

"That sounds like a fantastic idea!" Jennifer said.

Ariel and Edward, still glowing from their engagement, laughed and agreed too.

"Why not?" Ariel said, grinning. "Double the love, double the celebration!"

The room erupted in cheers and congratulations.

"I can't believe we're both getting married," Edward whispered to Ariel as they sat at the table



Alex was unable to sleep, so he found himself in the kitchen at midnight, drinking a glass of water. The house was silent, everyone else sound asleep. As he stood in the dimly lit kitchen, he suddenly noticed a shadow creeping across the hallway. His heart began to race as he tried to make sense of the eerie sight.

“Who's there?” Alex called out, his voice trembling.

The shadow moved closer, and to his horror, he saw someone crawling towards him.

“Please, please leave me!” Alex pleaded, his fear mounting.

As the figure reached the bottom of the stairs and stepped into the light, he realized it was Zara, her eyes half-closed, clearly sleepwalking.

“Oh, Zara, why are you doing this?” Alex exclaimed, his relief palpable.

Zara, still half-asleep, mumbled something incoherent. Alex, splashed some of his  water on her face. She blinked, waking up slightly.

“Alex, what happened? Why are you splashing water on me?” Zara asked, confused and irritated.

“I thought you were some kind of intruder! You scared me half to death!” Alex replied, exasperated.

"but you didn’t have to throw water at me!” Zara retorted.

“You were crawling towards me in the
dark! What was I supposed to think?” Alex shot back.

They continued bickering, their voices rising slightly. Alex, frustrated, pushed Zara lightly to emphasize his point.

“You always do this! You never listen!” Alex said, pushing her gently.

Zara stumbled a little, and instinctively, Alex reached out and pulled her back towards him. Suddenly, they found themselves very close, their faces inches apart. The argument faded as they stared into each other's eyes, the tension between them shifting.

“Uh, Alex…” Zara began, suddenly conscious of their proximity.

“Oh, um, sorry,” Alex stammered, releasing her. Zara stepped back.

“What are you doing?” Zara said, trying to regain her composure.

“Nothing, I just… you were about to fall,” Alex replied.

“Right, well, maybe we should both just go to bed,” Zara suggested.

“Yeah, good idea. Let’s call it a night,” Alex agreed.

They both retreated to their rooms, the memory of their brief, intense moment lingering in their minds as they tried to fall asleep.


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