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"Tell me the details"

"Yes Doc, she tried killing herself by cutting her wrist and also overdosing. She already lost a lot of blood, and her pulse are fading second by second"

"Okay, I want you to ask the guardian about her other health conditions and ready the bloods to transfer to her. Oh no, her wrist cuts are no joke, they are all deep and it might have caused a damage to her veins. There's also a possibility that there's an infection."

The doctor started aiding the girl and in the middle of it the girl's heartbeat suddenly dropped.

"Oh no, no, no, no, stay with us darling, stay with us. Charge to 360 joules! ready... Clear!"

The doctor and nurses are trying their best to revive the girl but minutes later-both her pulse and heart stopped beating.

"Akaashi Y/N, Time of death: 4:49 am, October 16, 20XX"

The doctor turned to the relatives of the girl and bowed his head.

"We're sorry for your lost. Miss Y/N didn't make it."

"No. no... oh no, please tell me you're lying. I-it can't be, my dear Y/N."

"We're really sorry for your lost"

The doctor bowed and left the relatives.

"No, Akaashi-san, Y/N is-no it's not true right? she can't be dead. I was just with her the other day. No this is not true; this can't be true!"

"Kenma..." Kuroo called to his best friend.

"No, no.."

Akaashi tapped Kenma's shoulders and smiled at him with pain in his eyes.

"Kenma-san, let's not keep her waiting. Let's go see her."

Akaashi couldn't help but burst into tears. He couldn't believe what was happening either. Y/N was just with him the other day before this have happened.

"I want to see my sister. I also refuse to believe that she's gone but, oh my god, my dear sister"

Bokuto immediately hugged Akaashi who was in the verge of breaking down. Akaashi was suffering from the loss of his one and only little sister.

The four of them went to a room where Y/N's lifeless body lays infront of them.

Akaashi was first to go to her side. He held Y/N's hands and kissed them goodbye.

"My little sister, why did you leave me so soon? this isn't what we have promised before. Mom and dad will surely be sad if they hear this. Why did you have to leave us so soon-"

Akaashi couldn't help his feelings and bursted into tears. He couldn't afford seeing his sister lifeless, so he excused himself.

"I'm sorry, I really can't look at my sister like this. It's breaking my heart so much"

Akaashi started walking away and Bokuto followed Akaashi and they left the room.

Kenma looked at Y/N's body and tears kept falling down to his eyes.

"Why? come on wake up. You ain't dead right? please talk to me. Please, I need to hear your voice once again"

He said as be reached for Y/N's face.

"Kenma, Y/N's gone. She won't be able to answer you anymore." Kuroo said as he could also hardly looked at Y/N who is now out cold.

"No!! Kuroo, No. She's not gone! she-"

[FF] KOZUME KENMA: TEASEWhere stories live. Discover now