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[The next day - Morning]

Y/N woke up feeling refreshed. She was about to get up when she suddenly realized that a hand is circled around her, and someone was sleeping beside her. She looked at Kenma and smiled. She reached his hair but before she could touch it a hand suddenly grabbed hers.

"Mmm, morning" Kenma said as he slowly opened his eyes.

Y/N chuckled and replied, "Morning Pudding, didn't know you were already awake"

"Well, I've been awake for a couple of minutes before you started moving." Kenma said as he gave Y/N a smile.

"You should have woken me up." Y/N said.

"Mmm, not happening. You needed that sleep the most" Kenma said as he kissed Y/N on her forehead before getting up the bed.

Y/N was flustered with his actions and said, "Wow, never knew you had that within you, pudding. Well, that was a surprise" Y/N said teasingly as she got up from her bed.

"Anything for you." Kenma replied with a smile.

Y/N chuckled once again and said "Now, don't go making me blush like a tomato so early in the morning. Come on, let's go down. Nii-chan must have been so worried about me. Let's go see him.

The two started to walk downstairs and the moment they reached the living room, they were greeted with a good smelling food.

Akaashi was in the Kitchen and Bokuto was in the living room. He was actually in the kitchen earlier but got banned by Akaashi as he kept eating the foods that they are cooking.

"Oh, hey hey guys. Akaashi! They're awake" Bokuto greeted.

Akaashi looked at their direction and saw the two who just woke up.

"Hey, you guys must be hungry. I cooked breakfast. It will be ready in a minute" Akaashi said as he continued preparing their foods.

After the food was ready, the four of them immediately ate. As they eat, they talked about casual things.

After the meal, Akaashi decided to talk to his sister.

"Hey Y/N, can we talk for a moment?" Akaashi asked.

"Yeah, sure Nii-chan" Y/N said as she followed Akaashi to their balcony, leaving Bokuto and Kenma inside.

"I guess you already told him" Akaashi started as he looked at his sister.

Y/N smiled and nodded, "Yup, we talked last night. Turns out that everything that Tsukishima said was true. I overthinked about it too much. If only I had known that it will be this easy, I wouldn't even waste so much time. But I'm happy now. I think that's what matters right Nii-chan?"

"I'm so relieved and I'm so happy for you. My little sister deserves every goodness in this world. You've been through a lot; I wish this happiness of yours to forever be with you. And you're right, as long as you're happy, then that is all that matters." Akaashi warmly said as he hugged his sister.

"Nii-chan, thank you for always being there for me. And I'm sorry if I would often make you worry" Y/N replied as she returns her brother's hug.

"Shhh, hush now Y/N. I'm your older brother, of course I'll do everything for you."

The siblings talked for a couple of minutes and decided to head inside.

The two laughed lightly when they saw Kenma and Bokuto.

Bokuto looked so bored, and Kenma was playing his games and is not paying any attention to Bokuto.

"Hey" The siblings said and that made the two looks at them. Y/N and Akaashi then went to the two.

[FF] KOZUME KENMA: TEASEWhere stories live. Discover now