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Akaashi immediately grabbed Y/N's belongings in their locker room and called Y/N's coach to inform him that Y/N would have to go home early.

After returning to the clinic, he then woke Y/N who took a nap while her brother was gone for a while.

"Hey, it's me. I got your things and talked to your coach. We can go home now." Akaashi said as he gently tapped Y/N.

Y/N nodded and quickly fixed herself. They both left the stadium and grabbed a cab to get home.

Y/N was very silent the whole ride and was so lost in her thoughts.

As they arrived in their house, Y/N immediately went to her room and locked herself.

Akaashi sighed and went to the kitchen to cook some food for both of them. As Akaashi arrived in the kitchen, he saw a little sticky note in the countertop. He looked at the note and it says,

"Hey kids, there's a lot of food stocked in the refrigerator. I prepared it before we left, you guys can reheat it anytime. I also did groceries for fresh ingredients; you can check it in the pantry. We won't be back for 2 weeks, contact us if ever you need something okay? Love you guys ♡ - Mom and Dad"

Akaashi suddenly remembered that it's their parents wedding anniversary. Their parents have already planned and talked about it with the two and they all agreed that their parents will take a break on everything and have their vacation for at least 2 weeks.

Akaashi looked through their foods and grabbed some and reheated them. As he waited for the food to be ready, Akaashi grabbed his phone and messaged his parents. After messaging them, he suddenly remembered Bokuto and the others.

He quickly dialed Bokuto's number, and it was answered right away.


"Jiji!" Bokuto called.


"Where are you? we couldn't find you and Y/N" Bokuto replied worriedly.

"Y/N is not in a hood condition, she asked me to take her home. You guys can come over if you want."

"Okay, we'll go there right away" Bokuto said as he informed the Kuroo and Kenma about what happened.

"Have a safe trip here then"

[End Call]

The three immediately went to Akaashi's Residence.

On their way, Kenma was feeling so uneasy. His heart felt so tight, and he couldn't get Y/N off of his mind. It was as if he was also experiencing whatever is happening to Y/N.

"Quick" Kenma subconsciously muttered.

Kuroo looked at him and sighed.

"Kenma, you're very close with Y/N, right? why don't you give it a try and talk to her? Akaashi said that Y/N locked herself in her room. She's probably blaming herself for what have happened to their game and to their captain. Maybe give her a little comfort. What do you think?" Kuroo said.

Kenma looked at him and nodded.

"I'll try, I'll have to try it" Kenma said.

On the other hand, Y/N is still locked in her room. Her face is full of tears. She silently cried and cried. She blamed herself for what happened to their game.

As time passes by, Y/N spaced out in her thoughts, her tears still falling.

Akaashi went and knocked on her door for three times already but, Y/N didn't answer nor opened the door for him.

[FF] KOZUME KENMA: TEASEWhere stories live. Discover now