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It's almost 3 weeks since their training camp started. A lot of new skills was discovered, a lot of trust has been built by each team, and a lot of friendships were made.

Every players bonds became stronger and the players who only treated each other as rivals became friends. A lot of new things had happened during the past few weeks. They experience hardships and true sportsmanship.

Today will serve as the last day of their summer camp. Every player was all fired up. In every match, they gave their all. Every strength, every power, every skill that they have had been used for this very last day. To prove their worths and surpass their limitations.

"EVERYONE LINE UP!" The captains called and their teams followed them.

To show their gratitude, the players all bowed their heads infront of the coaches who have trained and guided them throughout this whole month.


The coaches smiled at the players and said a few words and advice for every team and players.



Y/N looked around to find the voice's owner and her eyes landed on her brother. She waved at him and walked towards his direction.

Aniki!!" Y/N called loudly with a big smile. She could clearly see how her brother sighed by how she called him.

"Here eat with us, I already got your food" Akaashi said as he pointed their table.

"Nice! you really are the best bro! Thanks!" Y/N said as she walked towards their table. She wandered her eyes around the table and saw an empty seat beside Kenma. She smiled and went and sat beside him.

"Oh? I don't see Tetsu?" Y/N said as she looked for Kuroo.

"Ah! Kuroo-san isn't here! he went to the beach with a girl earlier!" Hinata replied loudly with a smile that made Y/N laugh a little.

"Eh? looks like Tetsu is having fun then" Y/N said as she turned and looked at the person beside her. He was not paying any attention to his food at all because he was busy playing with his games.

"Oi Kenma" Y/N called but he did not respond.

"OI KENMA!!" Y/N called once again with a more louder tone. The sudden loud voice made Kenma flinch and he looked at the person who yelled. He was ready to throw hands and curse at the person when he saw who it was.

"Eh? Y/N? why are you yelling all of a sudden. It's noisy you know" Kenma flusteredly said.

"Eat your food first pudding! the game can wait but your food won't! C'mon eat, and then you can play all you want after. I'll even play with you later if you eat now!" Y/N said with a smile.

Kenma blushed slightly by the nickname that she called him. He slowly put his game away and started to eat his food.

"Alright, after we eat, you'll be playing with me later, deal?" Kenma said to Y/N while looking at her.

You nodded and gave him an 'I Won't Lose' look.

"Deal! Now eat, pudding eat!" Y/N said as she continued with her food.

Kenma also continued eating his food without any complaints.

"You guys really do get along, don't you?" Bokuto suddenly commented.

Y/N looked at Bokuto with questioning look about his question. And Bokuto suddenly chucked a little while shaking his head lightly.

"Nothing, it's just that, I'm quite surprised by how you guys became so close these past few weeks because of games and stuff" Bokuto said.

[FF] KOZUME KENMA: TEASEWhere stories live. Discover now