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"Oi, Kenma"

Kenma looked at his best friend with a questioning look.

"You have been spacing out since earlier. Are you sure you're, okay?" Kuroo asked worriedly.

"Yeah, just tired and want some rest" Kenma replied not wanting to prolong the conversation.

"Okay, you should wash up now. Go get some rest afterwards. We'll be having a hard time tomorrow you know; the coaches will surely make us suffer. So, make sure you get some good rest."

"Mmm, okay" Kenma replied.

Kenma stood up and grabbed his towel and clothes. He then went towards the bathroom.

Kuroo sighed at the sight of his best friend who is obviously feeling uneasy.

I guess he's just really tired?... now, that ain't it. Something doesn't feel right. But, knowing Kenma he probably won't tell anyone, even me. Right now, I don't think he's in the mood to talk about things. I should give him some space and time.

Kuroo shrugged to his thoughts and decided to go to the shore for some fresh air.

As Kuroo arrived in the shore, he looked around and there he saw a few familiar figures scattered around the area.

"Can't sleep?"

Kuroo flinched with the sudden voice and looked at his back.

"Oh, Chibi-chan, you're still awake?" Kuroo said as he slowly calmed down.

"Yup, can't really sleep early ya know." Y/N replied and walked slowly.

"Why? is something bothering you?" Kuroo asked.

"Nah, it's not like that. It's just, I have insomnia Tetsu" Y/N replied with a soft chuckle.

"Oh, I didn't know. I'm sorry about that" Kuroo said and followed behind Y/N.

"Yeah, no, it's fine" Y/N said as she stopped walking.

Both of them didn't know what to say anymore and they chuckled at the sudden awkwardness between them. They looked away  and watched the waves in the sea and the moon shined brightly.

They sat at the sand and watched the others who are still playing in the sand and in the water.

After a while, Kuroo started talking again.

"You know you should lessen your teasing to Kenma" Kuroo said.

"Yeah, I ain't doing that. It's really fun to mess with him you know" Y/N replied with no hesitation and a smile in her face.

"Holy shi-" Kuroo's eyes turned bigger as he looked at Y/N with a shocked face.

Y/N was confused by his sudden reaction and was about to ask Kuroo about it when realization hits her.

Her eyes grew big as well and that's when she knew, she fvcked up.

"Holy shit, so my guess was right! YOU are Kenma's soulmate!" Kuroo said with a huge smile in his face.

"Damn it, sometimes I really think that I am indeed a dumb person. But how did you even thought that I might be his soulmate though?" Y/N asked curiously.

"Mmm, it was just some random thought and then earlier today, I noticed your behavior towards Kenma. When I think about it now, you looked really sus back there dude. You kept winking and staring at him whenever you get the chance, and you would flash him a very big smile whenever he looks at you. Like, you don't normally act like that to everyone, especially to someone who you have never met before. Mind you, this is the first time you have ever met each other, and you acted like you've known him since forever." Kuroo said as he thinks back to what happened earlier today.

[FF] KOZUME KENMA: TEASEWhere stories live. Discover now