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The day finally came where Karen had to meet up with Drew's family for dinner since she agreed to marry.

They expected the whole family to be there but Karen's dad decided that it'll just be her and her parents since everyone was against this whole arranged marriage thing.

When it came to her assault, Karen pushed it down at the back of her mind, she didn't want anyone knowing she was a victim to such feeling embarrassed by how she was assaulted. She didn't even have the guts to tell anyone.

Her sister Jacky and her husband wondered why she suddenly up and left. Anytime she was with them she would question it but Karen would just say she just wanted to come home.  What she didn't know was that Jacky was suspicious about the sudden change even though she didn't want to show it to her.

Jacky was hurt about it, but she didn't want add on to Karen's plate seeing that she was depressed about her decision to marry Drew. All of her sisters didn't want to make her more mad, they just wanted to be there for her during the time.

Both Twinkie and Dorinda even offered to take Karen's place in who Drew would marry but their dad said that Drew's parents had already agreed on Karen, which Karen also didn't want her sisters to take the deal for her... they didn't deserve to suffer for her.

But at the same time deep down  her consciousness Karen felt as if her father was right, she felt inept when it came to the whole dating thing and she knew that she was going to be single forever so this could be her way out.

Karen and her parents got inside the Sheards residence, it was a huge house and they were greeted by Drew's parents as they entered.

"I hope you're not allergic to anything we made a feast of food." Drew's mother Willie said leading them to the table.

"We eat just about anything... thank you much." Elder said and they sat down.

"This is our youngest... Ethan." They introduced Drew's little brother and they sat and talked for a while waiting for Drew to come back.

As they talked for a while , eating their food , the door opened and Drew made his way to the table and he looked to be confused.

"Good evening. " Drew said looking Karen in her eyes and everyone responded.

"What are Karen and her parents doing here? I thought we were having dinner w-" Drew said and it clicked his mind.

"Drew... you know her? This is the girl we told you about. " His mom said

"Karen? Hell No!" Drew yelled and Karen was a little hurt by his reaction even though she didn't even know that he didn't know.

"Dad, Karen's a child!" Drew said.

"Exactly. " Mattie said under her breath and her husband gave her look of warning.

"Excuse me for a minute." Drew's father John said and he pulled Drew to another room.

The family at the table heard distant arguments and yells from the two for a while until it was quiet.

Drew and his dad came from the other room and sat down at the table and it was all awkward.

"I uh... I'm sorry for my behaviour earlier. " Drew said apologising to Karen and her parents

"It's okay son... I understand your concerns about Karen's age. " Karen's father said to him. 

"My son is now calm... and he understands." John said referring to Drew. 

"So when do you think we'll be... or I should rather say they will be able to seal the deal?" Elder asked as they continued to dine and Karen looked at him wondering where the rush was.

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