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Karen and her sisters were in her living room watching a movie, they had moved the furniture a little bit so that they can all chill on the floor, except for Niecy who remained on the couch.

"Now Karen why would rent this scary ass movie, you know we not supposed to be watching this stuff " Dorinda complained but she was the one who fought to watch a scary movie.

"Those aren't my tapes Dorinda... I just got here yesterday, they are Drew's." Karen said pushing Dorinda's leg off of her.

"This is the second movie we watched and I'm tired , I want to sleep now." Twinkie said, she didn't want to watch the movie anymore.

"You and Niecy can take my bed and Dorinda and I can sleep right here, she's gonna finish this movie. " Karen said.

"Nuh.uh , I'm not watching this no more." Dorinda said.

"Look at that! Look at that!" Denise yelled pointing to the screen and everyone looked then a scar part came in.

"AHHHHH" Dorinda and Twinkie screamed.

"Jesus!" Twinkie exclaimed and Karen and Denise laughed at them.

"Nah,  I'm out... I'm not doing this with ya'll no more. " Twinkie said and she got up from where she sat.

"Karen where your room at? " Twinkie asked her.

"Why are we sleeping in you and your husband room again?" Denise asked making a disgusted look.

"Don't be nasty Niecy, Drew and I don't sleep together... he has his own room and the other room doesn't have furniture in it." Karen said responding to her sister, and then she answered Twinkie on where her room was.

"I should call it a night also, I'm tired." Denise said and she also got up.

"Goodnight ya'll." she said.

"Goodnight Niecy." Karen yelled.

"Goodnight!" Dorinda said and Niecy disappeared upstairs leaving Karen and Dorinda to their movie.

"Karen, I don't want to watch this anymore I'm going to sleep." Dorinda said and Karen laughed at her.

"Fine, let me switch it off then." Karen said getting up

She cleared the floor so they can sleep properly and she got back and laid on floor next to Dorinda.

"Please don't put your feet on me Dorinda." Karen said begging her sister.

"Basically no physical contact." Karen said. Her sister loved cuddling and touching... even though they had separate beds, they shared a room all their lives and everytime Dorinda would be in Karen's space.

"Fine Karen, just go to sleep... jeez " Dorinda fussed and she put her head down.

"How come you never told me you had sex before?" Karen asked her sister.

"Uh... I love you Karen, and you're my best friend and all but do you know yourself?" Dorinda asked and Karen scrunched her face even though Dorinda couldn't see her.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Karen asked her

"It means Karen... you're a miss goody two shoes, miss holier than though... I knew you wouldn't judge me but I didn't want you to think that I was being fast." Dorinda said honestly to her sister.

"Am I really that bad?" Karen asked .

"No Karen, it's more about me than you... I'm not like you. You're the good girl with all the good grades and listen to the parents and sticks with the word of God... I'm more of-" Dorinda said and Karen cut her off.

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