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Karen woke up as she heard bangs at the door, she quickly got up and her legs got wobbly and she put on Drew's shirt not having time to get dressed because the person was knocking crazy.

She quickly got downstairs and she saw her husband being put into cuffs and an officer was telling him his rights.

"What the hell are you doing? Get him off those!" Karen yelled at them , she didn't know what was going on.

"Ma'am I'm gonna need you to step back." An officer said .

"Leave my husband alone!" Karen said as she tried to get closer to Drew but she was being stopped.

"Karen it's fine, it's okay... inform my father okay?" Drew said.

"No Drew... they can't take you." Karen said with tears in her eyes and the cops walked out with Drew.

"Why are you doing this to him?" Karen asked.

"He's being arrested for the physical assault of Mr George Chisolm and they have multiple witnesses, so I hope you got good lawyers by the looks of the area you seem to live in." A white officer said and he looked around their house as a way of pointing out that they have money.

"I'll be right behind you okay baby?" Karen yelled as they took Drew to the back of the car.

Karen's legs were hurting but she was determined to get Drew the hell out of that place, he wasn't the one who deserved to be in jail... George was.

She took a shower and she put her clothes on and she drove to Drew's parent's house after she was done so she can get Drew help since she didn't know what to do by herself.

Karen got to their house and she explained everything to his parents even the fact that he was defending her and Drew's father was livid.

They went with Karen to where Drew was held. When Drew's dad got there he asked for them to him to them. He asked his wife and Karen to give them a moment as he spoke to him

"John Drew Sheard!" John senior sternly said and Drew saw his dad and immediately got up.

"All this for a girl?" John said to him.

"She's my wife dad." Drew told his dad and he could tell that he was disappointed.

"What's our deal John? You were supposed to do better... lay low and now you're being charged?" John asked and Drew rubbed his temple.

"That girl was supposed to make you act better...and now you behind bars because of her... do you know what this will do to our name?" John asked his son.

"That damn Clark!" John said pacing around, he blamed the pastor for his daughter.

"Dad this wasn't Karen's fault." Drew said to him

"You just had to be the hero huh? Police are there for a reason Drew... they could charge you for attempted murder." John said .

"Murder? I only grazed the nigga" Drew exclaimed and John wanted to grab him by his shirt.

"You listen to me boy! I'm going to solve your mess once again and you're going to accept that call you hear me?" John said.

"What? Dad... no! I can't do that!" Drew said .

"You're going to Drew and I swear to God I will take everything from you... the house, the cars, the money in your account I will take it all!" John threatened.

"Dad... I gotta be with Karen" Drew said .

"Even Karen was given to you by me... and I can take her away, I can still take that precious church her father wanted so deeply... I will air out all your dirty laundry to her and have her hate you I promise!" John said... "now you're going to sit in here and think about it!" He said again and his wife and Karen came in.

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