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"Hey, what are you doing?" Drew asked as he sat down next to Karen who was in the kitchen looking at her book.

"Science." Karen simply said, once again he wasn't home. He left yesterday during the day and he was just coming back... late at night. She wasn't sad about it but it was annoying.

"Oh, you need any help." Drew asked her.

"I'm not dumb John Drew, I can handle myself with my school work." Karen said, she didn't understand what was it with men and thinking she was dumb.

"I didn't say you're dumb Karen." Drew said to her and Karen looked at him straight in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Drew asked her.

"If I wasn't Twinkie's little sister... or 18, would you have dated me?" Karen asked him.

"Uh..." Drew let out

"I mean not in a weird way, I just want to know what's wrong with me so I can change it." Karen said to him.

"Karen nothing is wrong with you... it's just that every man has a type in women and as amazing as you are my type is a little more on the bad girl side." Drew said, this whole thing of being attracted to these type of women started off when he was a teenager, wanting to piss of his father.

"And skinny " Karen said lightly .

"Not  that specifically. " Drew said and Karen closed her books and she got up.

"Where are you going?" Drew asked her.

"Outside... the porch." Karen said and Drew looked at her weirdly.

"Why?" Drew asked seeing that it was late to just 'chill' outside.

"Stargazing... you want to come?" Karen asked him.

"To just watch the stars? No thank you." Drew said .

"Suit yourself. " Karen said and she walked out.

Gazing at the stars made Karen feel little, it made her feel like there's bigger things happening around her than what's just happening to her so that comforted her.

Knowing that there's so much bigger things in the world than just her, there is a whole galaxy out there that needed to be studied, that the essence of it need to be discovered. Karen did believe in God, but it was intoxicating for her sometimes to think about the ways of the universe every now and then.

Drew on the other hand looked at her as she sat there looking up and he wondered to himself why she had to put herself through this with their marriage, everyday he didn't get why Karen agrees to this. He knew why he agreed but he didn't understand why Karen did.

The morning came and Karen prepares herself to go to school, her school was far from where she lived so Drew gave her the truck so she can drive to school and come back safely.

Now her routine was going to school and going to church to practice with her sisters after school on some days of the week when Twinkie would be home, since she would travel with their mom.

She basically did anything she felt like doing since she was alone majority of the time. Her husband was never in their house and she didn't worry about cooking or cleaning or taking care of him since it wasn't that type of relationship.

When their paths crossed Karen and Drew grew closer as friends. They didn't hate each other as much and Karen wouldn't be as hurt by Drew's words when they would talk... she knew that they would never be anything more than this and she was okay with it.

"Hey John Drew." Karen greeted as she walked into the kitchen.

"Karen." Drew said, he finally had gotten used to Karen calling him John Drew. When she first started Drew would try convince her to call him Drew but she wanted to call him John Drew and she was the only one who did.

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