The case of the stolen Venus de Milo

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After their journey in Turkey ended, Iskandar and Coronaria decided to head to France, the European country full of romance and art. Once they arrived, Coronaria wanted to give her master a surprise.

"Ok,now follow the sweet sound of my voice, Your Majesty," said Coronaria giddily, "No peeking."

"Coronaria?Where are you taking me to?" asked Iskandar.

A few moments later, they arrived at a pyramid made out of glass. "!" said Coronaria, "Ta-da!What do you think?"

"Oh, for the love of Zeus..." exclaimed Iskandar, "You took me to the Louvre?!How could you even downplay this?You know how much I wanted to see the famous Venus De Milo sculpture!"

Coronaria chuckled, "That's why I brought you here,Your Majesty.So what are we waiting for?Let's go!" They immediately bought the tickets and went inside the museum. They went past beautiful paintings, stunning antiques and authentic prints. At last, they arrived at the place where the sculptures were displayed, only to find it surrounded by police tape which read "rester dehors", which meant "keep out" in French.

"What happened?" asked Iskandar, scratching his head in confusion.

"Maybe I should ask the museum guards," replied Coronaria. She flew towards a dumpy looking museum guard and asked, "Excuse me,Monsieur,but what's going on in here?"

"Well,the fact is,mademoiselle," moaned the museum guard, whose name was Pierre DuPont, "The Venus De Milo sculpture was stolen last night. If Madame des Cars finds out about it, she will fire me!" He then began to cry and blow his nose into a handkerchief.

"My goodness!" gasped Coronaria, "Merci, Monsieur, for letting me know." She flew back to Iskandar and told him about the situation. "I'm sorry,Your Majesty," she added, "I intended to give you a surprise b-but..."

"It's alright, Coronaria," said Iskandar, "All that matters now is to bring the sculpture stealing thief to justice." Coronaria nodded and they decided to help Monsieur DuPont catch the bandit.

At night, after Iskandar and Coronaria finished their meal of escargot and macarons at the hotel, they hid behind two statues at the museum gate to see if anyone suspicious went out of the museum. A few moments later, Coronaria spotted someone struggling to load a statue onto a truck.

"Your Majesty!Look!" she cried. Iskandar rubbed his eyes and shone his flashlight onto the figure, it was the thief with the stolen Venus de Milo!And it wasn't just one thief, but two! "Stop them!" he bellowed, "We can't let them get away!" The king-servant duo quickly sprung into action. Iskandar drew his blade while Coronaria readied her plant powers. 

With a whoosh, Coronaria ensnared the first thief with vines. The second thief tried to run away only to run into the tall, imposing figure of Iskandar. Knowing that they've been defeated, the two bandits could do nothing but surrender. Two minutes later, the police came and arrested them.

"Whew! That was one hell of a night!" gushed Iskandar, "And the sculpture is still intact!"

"Monsieur DuPont would be very happy to know that," replied Coronaria with a satisfied smile, "He'll be able to keep his job at last!" Once she finished her words, she let out a little yawn.

"Tired already, my little flower?" asked Iskandar jokingly.

"Yes,Your Majesty," mumbled Coronaria, "After all,it's the time when Cinderella loses her glass slipper." Iskandar chuckled and put Coronaria into the hood of his mantle as they went back to the hotel to rest. After all, they have decided on their next destination for  tomorrow.

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