The soccer sabotage

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After they have left Mexico, Iskandar and Coronaria are in the Maracana Stadium in Brazil.They are watching a soccer match between Brazil and Argentina, but something was off...why didn't the referee penalise the Argentinian team when a player offended one of the Brazilian players?
Iskandar's boisterous laughter was replaced by a frown as he saw that the Argentine team had been allowed to get a cheap shot on a Brazilian player. He sat there for a minute, grumbling under his breath, until he suddenly burst out, "Bullshit! Where's the damn ref at? He needs to give out a red card right about now! This is ridiculous!"
"Something's off, Your Majesty," replied Coronaria, "Someone must have sabotaged the game."
When it was half time,Coronaria could hear the ref talking to his wrist.She heard something like, "Yes,I will not let the Brazilian team win,for they have won against your team for too long!" She gasped in shock when she heard this.

Iskandar's frown deepened as the nymph mentioned that something was off about the soccer match. He turned his head to hear Coronaria better, and he also picked up on the referee talking to his wrist. His eyes widened in surprise. "Hold on... Was that the ref? Is he accepting bribes to favor the Argentine team over the Brazilian?" Coronaria whispered into his ear, "It turned out that the referee was scheming with the Argentinian soccer team.It's not surprising at all especially when the coach is the infamous Diego Maradona!"

Iskandar's expression morphed from surprise to disappointment as Coronaria filled him in on the conspiracy between the referee and the Argentinian team. He let out a frustrated huff and crossed his arms as she mentioned Diego Maradona's involvement.

"Damn it all, Maradona? That man has always been a problem. He'll do anything just to win, even if it means cheating. No integrity, no honor. Disgraceful."

The two sprung into action. Iskandar put Coronaria into the hood of his mantle as he was in the men's room. There, they observed the scene with a mixture of annoyance and determination. They saw Maradona scheming, plotting the recreation of the infamous Hand of God goal. However, when they saw two players, Ángel Di Maria and Lionel Messi, refusing to participate, Iskandar's expression softened marginally. He let out a gruff "Hmph" and mumbled under his breath,"At least those two have some dignity and honor. Admirable."

"Lionel,we can't go along with his plan even though he's our coach," said Di Maria.

"We soccer players must play like a real soccer player,mi amigo.We must play with real sportsmanship!" replied Messi with determination.

Iskandar couldn't help but smile as he overheard the conversation between Di Maria and Messi, their integrity and determination to play fairly standing out against Maradona's schemes. He felt a twinge of approval for them and nodded silently.

Coronaria, tucked in Iskandar's hood, also heard the conversation and whispered to him, "It's good to see some players refusing to stoop to Maradona's level, Your Majesty. They're standing their ground for sportsmanship and integrity."

Just then, Di Maria and Messi noticed them. Their faces were shocked. 

"You are..." gasped Di Maria.

"Oh dios mio!He's massive!Who is he?!" cried Messi.

Iskandar chuckled softly as he overheard Di Maria's exclamation and Messi's comment on his size. He could feel Coronaria giggling in his hood as well.

With a booming voice, Iskandar stepped forward, revealing his massive frame. He crossed his arms over his chest and gave the two players a friendly, warm smile.

"I am Iskandar, the conqueror himself," he introduced himself. "And this here is Coronaria, my royal gardener."

"So he's the conqueror himself!Oh,we're honoured," gushed Messi.

"We will do anything to stop him,even though he's our coach," Di Maria chimed in.

"So,do you have a plan, rey de los conquistadores(King of conquerors in Spanish)?" asked Messi.

Iskandar thought for a while, then he shook his head. "No," he answered.

Iskandar chuckled once more as the two players reacted to his reply about not having a plan. He watched as they comically fainted on the spot, and chuckled even deeper.

"Relax, amigos," he boomed. "I may not have a plan, but I never let that stop me."

Coronaria, still tucked in his hood, let out a soft giggle as well. She whispered to Iskandar, "Looks like you're quite the showstopper, Your Majesty." 

Even though her master didn't have a plan in mind, she had come up with one, which was to reveal the truth to the audience loud and clear. Iskandar watched as Coronaria, still hidden in his hood, skillfully rerouted the wires to the loudspeakers. He smirked, knowing that whatever she had in mind would be worth the trouble.

As Coronaria turned up the volume, Maradona's cheating plan echoed throughout the changing room for everyone to hear. There were gasps and murmurs of disbelief throughout.

Iskandar watched with amusement as the audience reacted to Maradona's scandalous cheating plan, expressing their shock and outrage. They could hear exclamations of "Unbelievable!","Disgusting!","Blasphemous!" and various forms of swearing. Coronaria, still tucked in his hood, winced at the strong language and covered her ears.

Iskandar chuckled softly and whispered to her, "Seems like Maradona's plan didn't exactly go unnoticed."

A few moments later,Maradona and the referee who conspired with him were arrested. They could hear Maradona scream in the police car even though it was metres away from them. Shortly after, an announcement was heard.

"Attention, please!Due to a commotion,today's match results are not valid. The game will restart tomorrow!"

Iskandar listened intently as the announcement declared that the results of today's match would not be valid and the game would be restarted tomorrow. He let out a hearty chuckle, finding amusement in the chaos.

Coronaria peeked out from under his hood once more and said, "Well, looks like Maradona's plan backfired on him. The game will restart tomorrow, fair and square."

The next day,the match commenced fair and square,and the Brazilian team won. Both the winning team and the losing team shook hands after the match without any hard feelings.

"Now that's what I call a fair match," laughed Iskandar, "As what they always say..."

"...Scores get forgotten; your actions don't!" added Coronaria. 

Iskandar chuckled and nodded at Coronaria's addition, saying, "Indeed. No matter how long it takes, people will remember Maradona's attempt to cheat and his lack of honor and dignity."

"The Brazilians played fairly and honestly," Coronaria continued, "And they were rewarded for it. That's the way the game should be played."

Iskandar laughed deeply again. "Looks like we helped restore some honor and dignity to the game, eh?" The two smiled at each other,for they have decided where to go next for their next adventure.

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