Attack of the Neo Black Hand

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After transforming the poor Czech citizens back into humans, Iskandar and Coronaria have arrived in Belgrade, the capital city of Serbia. While they were waiting for their luggage to arrive, Coronaria overheard some people talking about something called the "Neo Black Hand". She didn't know what it was,but it sounded like bad news to her and her master. She flew over to Iskandar, who was grabbing his gigantic luggage bag from the conveyor belt.

"Y-Your Majesty," she whispered, "I think I heard some bad news. An organization called the "Neo Black Hand" is on the loose."

"What rubbish!" scoffed Iskandar, "The Black Hand disbanded years ago since the death of Gavrilo Princip!If this organization is real,they'll be just a bunch of imposters!"

"W-Well,I guess you're right,Your Majesty," stammered Coronaria while her wings fluttered nervously, "B-but what if it's real?"

Iskandar laughed heartily, slinging the luggage over his shoulder with little effort, and turned to face the worried nymph. He grinned wide and honestly while patting her on the head with the free hand.

"Even if this is the actual Black Hand resurrected from the grave itself, they're nothing I can't handle. They're a group of humans, after all."

He looked down upon her and his voice became a little softer and reassuring.

"If you're really worried, I can always put you in my hood while I confront them."

Coronaria nodded and cautiously flew next to Iskandar as they made their way out of the airport and hailed a taxi to get to their hotel. She knew it that it was unlikely that a terrorist organisation would target a nymph,but what if they target her master that she admired and served 1000 years ago?That would be terrible,of course.Just then, the taxi arrived and they got in.Meanwhile, three men in black watched closely as the taxi sped away.

"Did you see him, Luka?" asked one.

"I saw him, Andrej!" cried another, "We have seen this dude on TV before!He is Alexander the Great,but he goes by the name Iskandar now!And it looks like he's travelling with a tiny nymph!"

"All we have to do is to kill him,like when our hero Gavrilo Princip assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie!Monarchy must be abolished in the world after all!" whispered a third.

Meanwhile, Iskandar settled into the taxi happily, sitting up straight and still towering over everyone else in the vehicle, even some of the other male passengers. He looked out the window to the road with a wide smile, enjoying how the city was so alive and vibrant.

The nymph on his shoulder was harder to notice, mostly staying hidden within the shadow of his form. She was barely the size of his palm, after all. Iskandar's ears picked up on three men on the street nearby, and he turned his head in their direction, hearing their voices.Coronaria shuddered when she overheard the three assassins' sinister plan,they were planning to go after her beloved master without knowing the fact that he became immortal after his reincarnation!Her wings trembled in fear and she shut her eyes tight. Without knowing, she and her master have arrived at the hotel they were staying in.

Iskandar took notice of her obvious fear upon hearing the assassin's plans, and patted her on the shoulder reassuringly.

"The Neo-Black Hand are a bunch of children, playing at being a real threat. You have nothing to worry about, my little flower."

He paid the taxi driver, and got out of the vehicle, retrieving the bag over his shoulder with minimal effort, before motioning towards the hotel.

"Come! Let us check in and relax before we go out to experience the sights."

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